Hmm, don't remind me of pulblic school life, lol. The work was easy I found however the people in the classroom made my working environment horrible, they were all doing drugs and half came in drunk it was discusting. The next thing i knew the boy and girl bathroom was set on fire and the gjys ran down the hall with swiss army knives punching the crap out of eachother. it was nasty I hated it so much, they pulled me out of public school because my grades were failing and i could't take the pressure. An all girls school is actually not bad, there's no pressure anymore and its so funny sereing girls in kilts trying to actm 'getto' hahahaha
However I suppose it depends what job ur in to consider it stress ful, what stresses u K1? and Chonrad go andhead and ramble on this, its refreshing and it lets u get it out ^-^