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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 17:59
Belldandy Gift

Pressures on, how to deal

Topics Misc Pressures on, how to deal
Well in my school the stress level in the class room is at a 9 on a scale of 10. Teachers find themselves piling up work on us in the name of educating where at least half the work would not be considered legitamet. Im sure Im not the only one facing this problem. So i thought it would be interesting to hear how everyone else feewls and deals with the matter. Currently it is a popular subject in Nova Scotia, Canada, because Universitys and schools are over filled with at least 38 students per class room. Teachers don't know how to deal with us, as much as we don't know how to deal with them. Of coarse this discussion can also swing to work problems too ^-^
oh... most high school classes here are composed of 35 students... although mine has only 31 because of the particular seccion i chose which isn't that asked. but i think the work acumulation has fallen on everyone... i think it's the season... i mean, teachers realise there are only 4 months left and they haven't done everything they wanted yet so they speed up and... give us tons of homework... (i can't wait the end of the week so i'll be on vacation... i have so much to cope with... :s)
You have my sympathies, I'm not taking as many credit hours/courses as I could in order to recoup my energies/endurance. I realize that a lot of the stuff they assign in intended to "beat" the material into our heads so that it satys there. However it does seem like there's a fair amount of plain old busy work thrown in there at times. Ack the sheer number of research papers I've written for my classes is mind boggling. Especially when you throw in my tendency for procrastination. I tend to get distracted by the day to day stuff like daily reading and um, errr, *coughs* trying to keep up with all the web sites I like. Arghhhh! Rambling again. Gomen!!
The Eccentric Elf
trust me, the work pressures of school are nothing compared to the stresses of working in a job! enjoy your school days and make the most out of it is my advice.
Thinking back, i was never really stressed out back in my school days, i rather enjoyed it (bullies and stuff aside) i guess i was rather lucky!
Sometimes the pressure of school is worse than a job. If you get bullied that is. I have been bullied by classmates AND teachers. Not all classmates and teachers bullied me though.....

I would say you are VERY lucky Keiichi-K1.
Hmm, don't remind me of pulblic school life, lol. The work was easy I found however the people in the classroom made my working environment horrible, they were all doing drugs and half came in drunk it was discusting. The next thing i knew the boy and girl bathroom was set on fire and the gjys ran down the hall with swiss army knives punching the crap out of eachother. it was nasty I hated it so much, they pulled me out of public school because my grades were failing and i could't take the pressure. An all girls school is actually not bad, there's no pressure anymore and its so funny sereing girls in kilts trying to actm 'getto' hahahaha

However I suppose it depends what job ur in to consider it stress ful, what stresses u K1? and Chonrad go andhead and ramble on this, its refreshing and it lets u get it out ^-^
i didnt have a "perfect" school life, i was bullied too.
yeah the system kinda stinks doesn't it ^-^' I think we all get bullied in the end by someone, ther is someone always bigger then the other no matter what. U rgibk they should start implamenting rules and keeping a closer eye on students, in todays world people don't seem to care enough of teenagers because we're branded with a 'Im hormonally nuerotic stay away from me or i kill you.' Its so rediculous you can't even walk into a store without someone watching you because so many 'teens' in general have shoplifted making the honest group look bad. I can't stand steriotypes, its a pet peeve of mine ^-^

Hahah I just noticed this is turning into a rant thread, heck why not.
As to serviving school I have found that it is a good idea to take a cake class

a class you know you can do well in, with minamal effort as to give your self time for the more demanding calses

If you don't know a good cake class ask your senpis they will have learned this lesson the hard way
lol great idea cole i should try this sometime
the way to deal with stress is to not let it get to you but that doesn't work all the time. When I'm trying to fix a computer, i get stressed out over it because it's not working the way I want it to work. I usually take a walk and calm down before I get back to work. sometimes I take a deep breath and drink some water then I get back to work. the main thing is don't let stress affect your performance.
Thats true ^-^ but its so hard not to let it. Just recently my computer crashed so now Im using this slow good for nothing junky computer. So now my comments and replys will come slower and fewer. Oh well I can't wait till i get a new one! ^-^ Currently Im stressing over a silly project, when I do projects that rewuire art, i always go above and beyond so never in my life have a gotten berllow a 10/10 on visuals ^-^ so it makes up for yucky grammer, hahaha.

I really can't wait for better weather I find I am one of those people strongly affected by cloudy danky weather, i need heat and sunlight, not snow and cold its too depressing ^-^'
preaching to the choir there on weather

I live in AZ and the summer Heat is great I would tade it out with winter any time

freeziing rain in a desert._.
I tend to refer to it as a "fun" class. I tend to base it off of what i'm interested in though. *sighs* Unfortunately some of my fun classes have been more work than the other classes I was taking to get them out of the way. Bblbblbbl.
Anywho, I tend to get more "frazzled" by the lil things than the big stuff. I've been known to search for a pencil or other lil things I've misplaced for ages all while trying to get ready to head off somewhere by the time I decided on earlier and completely miss when I needed to leave by cause I was going "nuts" looking for that thing.
Anyone else? (I hope. ROFL)
The Eccentric Elf
Perhaps you should carry a pencil case for the 'little things; in life that we tend to miss place ^-^ I really like having this thread here because sometimes you need to talk and let it out no matter how small it is ^-^ or even how big.