i don't hate anyone here (i really love you guys ---*hugging my computer*---) and i don't compete in something, it's nobody's fault it's just keiichi-k1 and the rest of the fans is true to their self and we're also true to our self in expressing one's opinion, now i've realized how pity i am, coz we're been left-out in terms of anime thing... first we don't have any anime fun clubs here we're just relying on fan listings here on the web, we don't even knw who the heck is authorized in dealing with animes released here and abroad, we don't have the oppurtunity and the luxury to have and owned an original anime dvd and vcds, and in all we're not updated of what is happening in anime world. gush i hate being a left-out, thanks a lot there's angel-feathers and thanks that i have friends here in angel-feathers (whaaaaaa) who really cares about anime...by the way i'm here in the philippines...2nd among the corrupt country in the world!!!