i feel sorry for my self and also for my fellow anime lovers here in the philippines..there's no single anime store here that sells an original animes we hardly love such the likes of AMG the movie etc., unlike there in your place keiichi-k1 you're on japan right? japan is so nice place for anime lovers coz you have them right after on your doorsteps, so don't get mad on us if we try to download them here on internet, coz it's just the only way we can see and watch them...or if you like you can send them to us...hehehehe just kiddin...and we also wnat to buy original vcds and dvds but the only thing that bothers me is that there's no official or authorized anime dealer here in the philippines, if an anime hav been released there in japan it will be release here in one or more years...so animaniacs here will just gonna try them out before they buy them coz they did'nt even wathed them before they were released. maybe you can't understand the "try first before you buy" b'coz we're not in the same country so maybe i'll understand you and you must understand us, to prove you that i'm helping the anime industry i have d original vcds of AMG OVA BOXSET, COWBOY BEBOP the MOVIE, METROPOLIS and GHOST in the SHELL.
and one thing don't offend other's feelings ok, we're united in one thing and that is the anime thing!!!