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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 22:29
Belldandy Gift


As of right now I'm downloading the AMG The Movie by limewire, and I want to share this with you fellow AMG fans. My problem is HOW? I'm thinking of converting to a torrent...but i preffer other ways of sharing it...help me out man!!! thanks!
Honestly, I think you should just tell people to buy it...
AMG won't continue to be successful if people don't purchase their products.

That being said, I've always believed in "try before you buy".
See if you can get it hosted in the BitTorrent section of BAF. Though I don't think the admins will approve because of legal reasons~
yeah i'm also in that attitude...i try things first then when i see it good i'll buy the original just like my AMG BoxSet, before i buy it i've just first watch the first episode in a pirated vcd. after i watch it i love it just like a "love at first sight(watch)"...and then i saw this AMG the Movie in a anime store i purchaed the first CD and we loved it too...then i try to search for an original DVD/VCD copy but i failed. so i try downloading the whole bunch in internet os that i can watch the full movie. in my part i just want to share my happiness i feel inside when i finished it downloading...hope you'll understand..but i think i'll never get to try to share...maybe b'coz of legal copyrights...thanks
I like to watch things before I buy.But I haven't been doin that lately.I just go & buy it.Sometimes I like what anime series I buy & there are times that I regret buying.But that has only happen to me twice(Street Fighter & Shamonic Princess) so far.So I'm doin good not buying the sucky animes lol^^.
im getting pretty worried (and annoyed) with this "try before i buy" attitude recently. It certainly doesnt help the industry. and its not like buying a car in which you take it for a test drive, but even then, you only drive the car for 30 mins max.

As for the Ah! My Goddess Movie you have no need to try it first, you know it is gonna be the best movie ever!
How dare you doubt the quality of anything that has Belldandy in it! ^^'
Relax. If that's how they feel, I can understand perfectly. I don't really try thing before I buy them, although I do ask the salesperson about it. But I certainly can understand. THe A!MG movie is quite beautiful, eventhough it's not the best I've seen, it's certainly worthwhile to watch and own.
I don't dl eps of a series.I hope that you didn't think I did.I just read preveiws & watch clips to determine if I like a series.
Same i read reviews and watch previews if it is an anime that will be available to me here to purchase. However if it is just a fansub anime then i will download the torrents and watch ^-^! I highly recommend owning the video its wonderful! i wish i could find it but i know its out in some store somewhere :P
if there is dsl connection in here, then i can have no worries downloading torrents/fansubs! Besides, that's my only choice, finding AMG video stuffs is so really hard to find and it costs a lot, compared to downloading... :E :E
QuoteOriginally posted by Keiichi-K1 (view)
im getting pretty worried (and annoyed) with this "try before i buy" attitude recently. It certainly doesnt help the industry. and its not like buying a car in which you take it for a test drive, but even then, you only drive the car for 30 mins max.

As for the Ah! My Goddess Movie you have no need to try it first, you know it is gonna be the best movie ever!
How dare you doubt the quality of anything that has Belldandy in it! ^^'

I can't speak for other people but the way things work for me is; it is a pain in the neck for me to save enough money to afford it. Therefore I would never buy any DVDs. Now, if I watched something and I really liked it, I would consider buying it. That option entails the possibility of me purchasing something, whereas the other leaves near to 0% possibility

If I didn't use the "try before buy" method, I never would have experienced AMG, and the industry would not have my money in their pockets.
well maybe i'll never have to share the file..coz it's low in quality...the screen is not that 100% clear picture...i'm gonna purchased the dvd/vcd even without trying it and don't point at me that I'm doubting the AMG...i never doubt AMG ever in my anime life..so how dare you say that to me!!! maybe you're the one who does'nt love AMG! b'coz you'll gonna buy things you like even without making sure that it has good quality! you'll gonna buy a dress without even trying it in a dressing room? of course not! you'll first try it before you buy it right? that's what am i suppose to say...and what others is saying...before i buy my AMG boxset i first ask the sales lady to play it for me, then after that i said to the lady that i'll gonna buy it. i just wanna buy the best vcd for my belldandy i'm willing to buy the best for her, and not just buying vcds that using AMG for them to be purchsed...I'm warning you if you don't try first things first you might be a victim of faked AMG collectibles.
i only buy my the CDs and DVDs from official sources or well established retaillers, eg. straight from Japan (CDJapan is a good store) and Amazon or Play.com.

How dare you say i dont love Ah! My Goddess! you have insulted my honour! #draws his katana from the sheath#

regardless of what ppl say about downloading and try before you buy helping the industry, i like to point out there will always be ppl out there that just download and dont spend a penny.
i download fansubs myself, but 99% of the time i buy the official DVD anyway when its finally released. For example i have already pre-ordered my copies of Grenadier Hohoemi Senshi and Tenjo Tenge in advance.
Hardcore downloaders and freeloaders makes it so unfair on us hardworking ppl that earn their money to buy the anime they love.
*sits in a corner*

i only download anime cause they're not avaible to buy yet. and as soon as either i get money or they get released i go out and buy it. (been meaning to buy amg the movie for ages but when i get money i get distracted by other series :P)
i feel sorry for my self and also for my fellow anime lovers here in the philippines..there's no single anime store here that sells an original animes we hardly love such the likes of AMG the movie etc., unlike there in your place keiichi-k1 you're on japan right? japan is so nice place for anime lovers coz you have them right after on your doorsteps, so don't get mad on us if we try to download them here on internet, coz it's just the only way we can see and watch them...or if you like you can send them to us...hehehehe just kiddin...and we also wnat to buy original vcds and dvds but the only thing that bothers me is that there's no official or authorized anime dealer here in the philippines, if an anime hav been released there in japan it will be release here in one or more years...so animaniacs here will just gonna try them out before they buy them coz they did'nt even wathed them before they were released. maybe you can't understand the "try first before you buy" b'coz we're not in the same country so maybe i'll understand you and you must understand us, to prove you that i'm helping the anime industry i have d original vcds of AMG OVA BOXSET, COWBOY BEBOP the MOVIE, METROPOLIS and GHOST in the SHELL.
and one thing don't offend other's feelings ok, we're united in one thing and that is the anime thing!!!
ok Keiichiroy I understand you wish to express yourself but lets all stay friendly here this isn't a 'who is the best anime follower' match here. It's true it is difficult to get anime for everyone in a sense. We all have a reason why we cant support our favorite anime and then there are those who are capable. Good for those who can! But lets all please stay open minded about everyones capabilities. We're all friends here ^-^