hello, just discovered this place, thanks to your affiliation with http://goddess-project.net
i've been a very casual AMG fan since the late-90's, largely beginning with the U.S. PIONEER DVD release of the AMG movie.
i was busy with other anime throughout much of the DVD Anime boom of the 2000's, but by the mid-2000's or so,
i had the Anime Works/ADV FILMS complete sets of both seasons of AMG T.V.
around 2008 or so, i picked up AMG COLORS at my local BARNES AND NOBLE, and around 2014 i picked up all five vols. of the early-90's AMG OVA.
around 2013, i acquired the BLUE version of the late-90's TAKARA 1/6 scale Belldandy Character Doll for a decent price off the BAY,
and around 2016, i found thee 1999 TOKYO DOLL FAIR exclusive VOLKS 1/6 Skuld doll for cheap, via a fellow Character Doll collector.
now, in 2017, discovering the new OMNIBUS editions of the original manga, i figure it is high time to get serious about catching up once and for all;
