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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 04:23
Belldandy Gift

new girl in high school

Topics Misc new girl in high school
Thats great news MustangX! I would have to second SteveJaen's advice of beware the father if he is the "polish the shotgun while your there" type(I am completely blown away by the fact that someone younger than me personally owns a desert eagle and the most leathal weapon I own is a decorative sword). I would suggest getting on the good side of the parents so that they will invite you over and maybe take you on their family vacations (not that they will allow any bed sharing with their daughter) and if your good enough and if she has no brothers, then you might get the "honorary son" title. You would at the same time want to get on the good side of any brothers or older sisters she may have so you can get the similar title of "honorary sibling". With the taking her out thing, dont take her out too often (yes there is such a thing) or else you might begin to draw some negative points and a little feeling of hatred could result towards you (Ive had experience with this, I am a younger brother to one older brother (I went from "shes my older sister that I never had" to "Oh come on! This is getting ridiculous!")) Oh and if you are strong in anything and shes not, then you can tutor her and/or any younger siblings (a feature that any parent loves and she will love you for saving her grade).

Armed with this advice and your Desert Eagle, you just need to remember one more thing:
Hey, Jude, don't be afraid
You were made to go out and get her
The minute you let her under your skin
Then you begin to make it better.

Ok, so I DID copy and paste Hey Jude lyrics, Its still pertinent. (Dont take the under your skin line to be tattoos, piercings, or drugs. Those give you negatives with the parents)

In addition a thing that is usually said about marriage applies to dating: You dont just date/marry the girl, you date/marry the family.
XD wahaha! The Beatles!. that was nice... XD
EvilPaladin sure is right.. about going closer to her family.
just dont over do it with subling of course. (maye she has an even hotter sis, dont take that temptation.)
OR, this could happen- her sister might fall in love with you.. x_x Thats a difficult situation there.
unless of course the sister is just admring you(crush) than its okay.
(if a gay sibling of her's is in love with you then im afraid ur in deeep troubele x_x) XD

you should also be careful with moving to close to the parents
okay, in my own expirience... (so let's just keep this to ourselves)
before, i decided to befriends with a certain girls mother (she was a singleparent)
yeah it went out preety well until it came that the mother kinda fell in lov with me x_x!!
(well... her mother was preety and young XD) soo be careful...
generally parents wud like a young strong man helping around the house.. SO TAKE THAT CHANCE!!
like wen u pased by their house, they also just came from the mall.
that's the chance, help around carrying in the groceries, and yeah...
the most painful of sacrifices.. mowing the lawn. Dad's wud love sutors who do the chors..
(especially mowing the lawn.. its a complete torcher!)
BUT Do it, if you can do it. don't EVER take a chance that can discourage
her, her siblings and especially her parents.

PS. maybe...just maybe... sing Hey Jude whenever her parents are around XD
or better, anything with The Beatles or 70-80 rock n' roll
they might sing along with you XD (hey, i like the beatles too)

PPS. if its okay with everybody.. just type my name in small caps (stevejaen)
it's not like i'm a proper noun or anything XD
and again.. G0od Luck!
lol you make it sound like im a part of theyre family and they have a gay brother that loves me @_O
id shot his balls off with my DE hehe

does it really helps getting closer to her parents? i never did that with the other girls ive been with

btw i just finished watching ah my goddess episode 24 that i finished downloading its so god damn funny!
"suki" BANG!