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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 11:52
Belldandy Gift

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Oh Shounen Jump has been around for a long time, its been in Japan since for ever accept it used to be called 'Shounen Sunday' or what not, because it only premiered in Sunday comics ^-^ tyen it turned into a magazine and came to USA for 2 years and Canada for 1 1/2 ^-^ the reason why i want to know more publishers is because that way i can ind anime faster ^-^ it makes it so much easier.
That's true, Shonen Jump has been around a lot longer than most of the US manga publishers, it's just new for *us*. ^_^;
yeah there's a lot of manga we get that have already been around for a long time in Japan ^-^ Its kinda upsetting but its comming out faster, I don't know what would do with out YTV bringing in the Inuyasha TV series *-* I'd die with no anime to watch, i just hope they can bring Ah my Goddess soon ^-^
i just hope they release the new Ah! My Goddess TV series on DVD outside of Japan as soon as possible, i cant wait!
I'm sure we'll get the AMG TV series here as soon as TBS Japan decides who to sell the license to! I kind of hope AnimEigo doesn't get it this time... their episode counts are really rotten.
i think most likely Pioneer will get it, i mean they released the movie and mini-goddess series.
whats wrong with animeEigo did u say Melichan?
yeah good question, i think AnimEigo did a good job releasing the OVA and they also did a splendid job with my other fave series You're Under Arrest.
Anyway i dont really mind who releases it, as long its not US manga Corp!, in the end i'll still get my anime.
Well, it's not so much their treatment of AMG as the other series they release... for example, their limited release of the original Macross boxed set;I think it was 42 or so episodes for $280... only available for *pre-order*... the resulting chaos brought on people price-gouging on eBay, charging well over three- and four-hundred dollars for it. All that for an anime that was *not* remastered, had no dub track, and very few extras.

In general, their episode counts are low... they could very well have fit all 6 AMG OVAs on one disc and still have kept the extras. And that's what I think drives a lot of people to buying fansubs and bootlegs... If you can get a whole series for $30 as opposed to 3 episodes, it's not hard to see what's the better deal...

I am very happy to see, though, that price gouging is becoming less and less of a problem anymore. High-quality boxed-sets are becoming more and more affordable; I think companies are realizing that their demographic can't exactly shell out $200 for a 26-episode series. :P
what about poor me! i live in the UK where anime is very limited, so i import most of my anime from USA, by doing that i had to pay a hefty delivery fee, plus i have to pay the customs charges as well. This means i pay almost double price for my DVDs. But if its my fav anime its worth it! Ganbatte!
ouch. i mostly buy my anime/manga online. (seeing as how i cant seem to find it anywhere else...) border's has a pretty good selection but they dont have it all. so i have to deal with shipping and all that other 'fun' stuff.
Wow! Sorry K1, there I go again, making comments before I read profiles. :P Way back in the day when I was more into music than anime, I used to trade memorabilia with a girl in the UK. We'd buy all the latest cover magazines of each other's favorite artists and just ship it. She even sent me a limited edition LP once! If you have access to rare stuff the UK puts out that the US doesn't, maybe you could find someone to trade with?
i would have a tough time doing that, im just the type of fan that has to have the official stuff new, plus, who's gonna be crazy enough to trade with me! LOL :bg:
hehe, well, I guess that depends on what AMG stuff the UK has that other places don't! :)
Go easy on Animeigo...

Yeah, their stuff sometimes is a bit pricy when you buy it in a store, but you have to keep in mind they are one of the smallest ADR houses out there. Geneon is owned by Pioneer, and so they have a huge corporation backing them (same as most of the others). All Animeigo has is themselves, and they still bring over some of the best series. They're all fans too, and end up selling the stuff at the bare minimum they can afford to sell it at and still stay in business. I know that unlike some of the ADR houses, all of their voice actors hold down other jobs, because they simply can't pay them enough to do it full time. All the producers and stuff help out with the voice chores too.

High prices are caused by a lot of things... concerning SDF Macross, I'd be willing to bet that Robotech had a large part to play in the high price. Because of how popular Robotech is, I'd say the original Japanese company wanted a hefty chunk of change, and there wasn't a huge demand, since most people have seen robotech... so they did what they could, and made it so that at least the hardcore fans could get it.

I know that they released You're Under Arrest at very reasonable prices (with 4 eps per disc). Also, if you're buying it at a store, understand that the price is probably being jacked up a lot. The places that sell anime near where I live usually run US $29.99 a disc. Animeigo was selling the boxsets (3 discs plus a bonus disc) from their website for about 70 bucks.

Regarding the Ah! My Goddess OVA, they probably could have fit it on one disc, but the picture quality would have suffered greatly. The less you try to cram on a DVD, the better the quality. It is one of those series that is so important to me that I'd rather have it as 5 discs to be honest...

They aren't anywhere near as bad as Funimation, which will release the first disc of a series with 4 episodes, then drop down to 3 episodes per disc so they can stretch it to an 8 disc set. Bandei used to be really good on that count... Cowboy Bebop was only 6 disc for the whole 26 episode series, but with Tenchi Muyo GXP, they stretched it to 8 discs to earn a little more of the almighty dollar.

Still, all things considered, we're lucky. In Japan, they get one episode per DVD typically.
