Everybody gets a cut of it Kitori... voice actors, producers, the English ADR staff, the original Japanese company, Fujishima-sama, etc. Most of the time, anime DVDs in my area are comparable in price to regular DVDs, and considering they are an imported product, that's not a bad deal (of course, it just shows how much Hollywood jacks up their prices... they could release DVDs for 15 bucks and still make a killing on them). Lately though, prices have been dropping a bit... I've found some anime titles as cheap as 20 bucks... I think the Japanese companies are finally starting to realize that there is a huge audience for anime in America, and are beginning to adjust their licensing accordingly (maybe even moving to a small percentage on each DVD sold, instead of a huge flat rate). That way, they make more money and the price drops. However, most places put a huge mark up on DVDs, and that won't really change until a major retail chain (like Walmart) starts carrying a lot of anime. At that point, I'd say that almost every title will drop down to around 20 or even 15 bucks, which is what Walmart charges for American movies.