Hmmmm. Well, I've read up on a theory that suggests that the goddess, and gods, don't die. They may be eternal, according to Keiichi's conversation with Peorth (when she was small and trying to cheer her up), however it is suggested that they are reborn. I can't really find the right word, but I believe that fits.
I've pulled up this information regarding the subject.
"According to Peorth in V21 Ch132 the goddesses have always existed and will always exist. However, given the fact that Belldandy was born at some point, goddesses apparently go through different incarnations during the course of their existence. The manga strongly suggests that the goddesses' current incarnations will live for several thousand years. For example, in V5 Ch34 Urd's license is suspended for 50 years because she tells too many lies. In V7 Ch47 Belldandy says that Urd may not be allowed to return to Earth for 1000 years.
There is no information as to how long the goddesses have been alive in their current incarnations."
If this is true, then the birth of gods and goddesses are not necessary, but may occur at any time.
And about the parallel universe theory is may be true to an extent. However, it is not necessarily parallel, as in it is its own universe, but not a seperate reality. If you look back to the "Terrible Master Urd" volumes, the Universal Superstring theory invalidates that point. After the superstring was cut the Universe should have been destroyed, right? Not really, especially when you consider that Heaven is held together by its own superstring. This is proven by the fact that Heaven did not collapse after the superstring was cut and Yggdrasil used its power to stabilize the universe Earth was held in.
Does this make any sense. I'll stop if you think it's annoying.