There is a yahoo message going around asking people to go to a particular website, wherein the page looks exactly like a yahoo messenger log-in screen asking for your username and password. DO NOT log in and provide your username and password as this is a false site and only wants to obtain your Yahoo messenger username and password. If by chance you have already done so, immediately change your password right now and refrain from clicking on links without asking the sender what it is for. Please pass around a bit
worse virus ever... pls pass...
A mass-mailing computer virus that is coded to delete files on February 3 may have spread to more than 500,000 servers, if evidence from a Web counter can be trusted.
Known as the Blackmal.E or Nyxem.E virus, the program travels as an attachment to e-mail messages with suggestive subject lines such as "School girl fantasies gone bad" and "Re: Sex Video". The virus will completely compromise systems whose users open the attachment, attempting to disable security software and making extensive changes to the registry.
The virus will increment a Web counter hosted at Internet service provider RCN. The counter, which can be accessed via a Web address, surpassed 500,000 this weekend, according to antivirus firm F-Secure. The counter may not be accurate, as it could have started above zero and logs any browser that also goes to the Web address, counting observers as well as compromised PCs in a sort of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle for the Internet.
The number falls short of the largest documented infection to date--the MSBlast, or Blaster, worm--which spread to at least 25 million computers, according to data gathered by Microsoft.
Computers that remain infected on February 3 will have a eleven types of data deleted from the hard drive, including any Word, Excel, PowerPoint or PDF documents. However, a similar threat posed by the Sober virus, which was supposed to download additional functionality on January 5, largely failed to happen. Because the Blackmal virus does not rely on external Web sites, however, it's unlikely that it will be as easily hobbled.
you can post all your warnings here in warnings thread....thanks