Urd, Belldandy, and Skulds Lost brother
By: Ricky Martinez
When Urd was only a baby, and before Belldandy and Skuld were born theirs an angel named Legama, an angel with great strength and powerful magic of all elemental. Angels, Valkyries, and Goddesses feared him and show no compassion to others. The Almighty One granted him an S class 1st Category unlimited License, the 1st angel to achieve. Soon after, he got the S class he left to earth.
Legama: There is no one in heaven who is a worthy challenged me.
When he arrived on earth, he was in Feudal Era in Japan.
Legama: Maybe some spirits here on earth, is a challenged to me.
He yells out in a rage
He searched and defeated the spirits one by one and damaging the earth, until he father came from the heavens to stop him.
Legama: Father why are you here? Do you wish to challenge me?
Legamas Father: Legama cut this madness, your rage is blinding you
Legama: So what if my rage is blinding me. No one here and heaven is a challenged to me theyre all weak.
Legamas Father: Your wrong, and theres more to life than fighting, and Ill prove it to you.
Legama and his father fought in a raging fight that lasted for three days and two nights. Eventually in the fight Legamas Father won the fight and subdued his anger that was surrounded Legamas heart.
Legamas Father: I have defeated you and subdued your anger, live and train with human and care for them your, eyes will open to the truth to life.
Legamas Father heard some people coming to their way
Legamas Father: Ill let you go, look after the humans
People came to where legama and his father were. They carried Legama to their village and as they were carrying him Legama took his father advise and look after them.
At heaven, theres been another angel who is strong like Legama in physical and magical his name is Ronin. He is the 2nd angel to achieve the S class 1st Category Unlimited License. Nobody knows except the Almighty One that he is half angel and half demon. Years and years went by at heaven since Legama left, then one day he returned and everybody was shocked and they noticed that he had changed completely his mind, spirit and his heart were at peace. But they didnt know that Legama is unable to control his power it became too much for him to handle.
Later on there was a big celebration to Legamas returning. Angels, Valkyries, and Goddesses were dancing, drinking, eating they were having fun. Legama saw one of the angels sitting by himself, he went over there were the angel was at and sat next to him.
Legama: Whats wrong
Angel: Nothing parties arent my thing
Legama: Ok, then what you like to do?
Angel: Mainly battles that my expertise after all.
Legama: hmmm. Just like me
The Angel looks at him
Angel: Seriously!
Legama: Yea
Angel: What happen to you?
Legama: Well. My anger had surround my heart just to find someone worthy to fight, then my father came tried to stop me and we fought, for three days and two nights. My father won the fight he subdued the anger in me, and told me to live with the humans and look after them. I train with them learned their styles and I feel more calm and happiness inside of me. Theyre more things in life than to fight.
Angel: Must been interesting to live with the humans right?
Legama: Yes it is.
Legama stands up
Legama: Lets go have some fun
Angel looks up
Angel: Sure! By the way whats your name? Im Ronin S class 1st Category Unlimited License.
Legama looks surprised!!
Legama: I see youre the 2nd angel who achieves it. Someone told me about you.
Legama: Im Legama the 1st angel to achieve it.
Ronin: Awesome!! Looks like this would be an interesting friendship this going to be.
Legama: (Smiles) It sure is.
The two became great friends/rivals for years. Then one day Legama went to the Almighty One and told him that hes been having trouble controlling his powers and doesnt want anyone near him.
Legama: Almighty One Seal me away in the underworld!!! Ive become a threat here in heaven and I cant go to earth, Ill be endangering the humans.
The Almighty One tried to talk him out of it but he fail to change his mind. The gate to the underworld appear in front of legama and before the gate open, Ronin appear.
Ronin: Legama are you crazy youll be killed by the demons if you enter.
Legama turns to Ronin
Legama: I cant be here anymore my power has gone out of control for me to handle and I cant risk the lives of everyone here.
Ronin looks at the Almighty One
Ronin: If Legama is going to the underworld then Ill go with him
Legama: No!! Your power is stable, mine isnt
Ronin: I have to go with you! Ive live there before and some demons there are powerful like us.
Legama: What you mean you live there before.
Ronin: Because Im half demon and half angel
Legama: and WHY!! You didnt tell me this.
Almighty One yells out
Almighty One: Enough!! Ronin you wish to go to the underworld with Legama
Ronin: Yes, Almighty One
Legama: But, why Ronin?
Ronin: Because close friends needs to stick with each other.
Legama shed a tear from his right eye
Legama: Roninthanks
Almighty One: Before you go Legama hears a present for you
A pendant appears in front of Legama, grab it and he opens it.
Legama! Almighty One who is she?
Almighty One: She is your babysisterBelldandy is her name. Ronin heres something for you to
Another pendant appears in front of Ronin, grabs it and he opens it
Ronin: !?!? Whos she Almighty One
Almighty One: She is your Older sister Urd is her name.
Ronin: Thank you Almighty One
Ronin: Oh yea I almost forgot this is for you Legama.
Ronin sticks his arm out and open his hand and there was a necklace with an egg on it
Legama: What is this Ronin.
Ronin: Its an angel egg with this your angel should help with your powers
Legama: Thanks Ronin.
Legama Grab the necklace and put it on
Almighty one: Are you two ready
Legama and Ronin: Yes!!
Almighty One: Legama and Ronin I hope you two will come home together
Legama and Ronin: We will
The Almighty One open the gate to the underworld, Legama and Ronin step through the gate and disappear, Almighty One sealed the gate with chains. The Two Legendary Angels were gone. Many Years went by since the incident, one day the gate reappear and the chain has been cut open and out came some one before the gate disappear it was Legama, and his adventures begins...