I can't reall decide as strang as it may sound I like both Hild and Peorh or Hild is evil not question there but she is like that why what made evil and mean is it the lonlyness of being alone or was she heart in some way that she can never forgive, can she return to the lite or even find love,
Peorh is kind loveably and a littile rouge at times it seams she has nothing eals in life but here job as a Goddess.
What to do desions, desions, what a tangled web we weav one or nothing, one or the other, love one and cruch the heart of the other what shall I do? what can I do, I am torn impatween them, what of my heart to see such sad and mornful tears I can not chooes, so I walk alone in the shadow of time with a heavy head and torn heart who will here my cry, who will catch me should I fall I left all I hold dear on the battleground where I lost my soul.