Evil? Sorry, I don't mean to embarrass anyone with this question, it's just that we all dream about the perfect male or female whether it's some famous musician, actor, or in this case an anime character, at some time or another. I was just wondering what is it we like about these characters that appeals to us. For example, a character that appeals to me is Megumi Morisato. Not the most beautiful or gracious character in anime, Like the Norns or all the Princesses in anime land, but unlike most women portrayed in anime, Megumi is a sweet, tom-boyish character that is more realistic than most anime women. I like her laid-back attitude even though she is a little spunky. And I don't see her as the sort to be constantly doting on a man's every wish and need. Personally if I had to choose a favorite, I'd say it's Megumi. Heck, I like her so much, I named my Jeep after her.