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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 21:49
Belldandy Gift

Elitist junk

Topics Misc Elitist junk
I have a teacher who is an artist and she is always tell us stuff like, "Well I think differently than everybody else." It makes me so made because usually as she is saying that I am thinking of the same idea! She also said that no one else would know of any of the bands she listens to because they are either indies or old school. It makes me sooooo mad!!! Also whenever she ask you to tell her what "YOU" think something means and she doesn't agree with you she will tell you it's wrong. For example, one student wrote a paper on what they though relationships were and she said, "Well I really don't think that's a good definition." Point is it wasn't her definition it was the student's and she was basically saying it was wrong! Does anyone else know anyone like that?
Well I think and act differently from everyone else but this teacher seems to be ignorant about what other people think. Unfortunately, I have a cousin who thinks he is right about everything. He think's everyone is wrong and he's right. The thing is, he's not. He thinks he knows EVERYTHING, yet he is a High School drop out and has an IQ of 100. (Average)

He called me an Idiot when I say something he doesn't agree with. I felt like shouting "LOOK WHO'S TALKING!!!". Only thing is he was twice my size.
Hmm, well I know alot of people like that ^-^ But it seems a little harsh to get mad at people like that, thats just their personality and the way they are. It sounds to me like your teacher is insecure about herself and does not want to reveal too much about herself at the fear of losing respect from her students or having to many people define her as 'odd.' I know someone who sounds just like your teacher and thats exactly what she does. She used to be an old friend of mine and found it hard to get along with other people because of her wide range of different interests. Keep in mind, appearances may be desieving. (plase don't take this message the wrong way, my intentions are not to affend you).

However the typ of people that do upset me, are two timing liers. I know that was blunt, but thats basically what they are. I had another friend last year who caused a huge fight in the friendship between me and my 4 other friends. She's the kind of girl who will say anything to put you on her side, even lie about her own friends and bad mouth them behind their backs. She was really messed up and could never agree with herself. or anyone for that mater. Hpwever I do feel bad for her, because it must be hard going from one friend to another. I believe she is called a 'weather friend' is only their for you when the friendship seems good, but as soon as trouble starts, she starts rumours about you and dashes off.

Sorry i ranted alittle there ^-^' I guess I am still a lttle bruised from last year, my apologies.
aw... well... everybody comes to cross that kind of narrow-minded people in their life... just don't pay attention to them... i know it sounds hard but, the point is... wether you get mad or not, it doesn't really matter because they're not going to change... there's a little phrase in French that says "Il n'y a que les idiots qui ne changent pas d'avis", which means that only idiots don't change their minds... so let your teacher stuck in her idiotness... don't let her ruin your nervs and your day... and as for the paper did... well... maybe if you had it marked by another teacher it xould be better.... or maybe not... oh and most important.... this teacher... you only have to put up with her until the end of the year! ^^ so don't worry... i have the same kind of teacher, i find him truely disgusting.... :sheep: only have to put up with him until june... if we survived since september... we can wait a few more months... :)
The old elitist attitude...I run into that all the time because of the music I listen to. It is pretty rare to find someone who likes the same kind of stuff I do, however that doesnt make me feel special...infact it kind of sucks because I usually dont have anyone to share my joy with over the fact that venetian snares just came out with a new record.
Usually when I do meet people with the same taste in music they tend to think our taste is superior to others...
It does drive me insane, however like what was said above,they are most likely insecure over their identity...or lack thereof

try not to worry about it...unfortunately in this life you will always run into those kind of people
Yeah Morphee had a good point, you only have a few more months and its over ^-^! However if your teacher does get out of hand perhaps you could consider discussing ths with the Dean of Students.
i really disagree with the whole elitist way of thinking, everybody have their own strengths and weaknesses. One person maybe better at something than others but there will always be something they lack compared to others. To look down on someone because one believes one is an "elite" is even more inexcusable!