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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 04:23
Belldandy Gift

Building a belldandy model

Topics Art & Design Building a belldandy model
I needed some recommendations from those of you who have built models before. I am putting one together of bell that is resin cast and 1/8 scale. This is my first one so I wanted to know where I could go to get good paint and someting to file some of the rough places off and also some darn good glue. Many of the pieces feel pretty heavy and I am htinking it has to be super strong to hold it all up.

Please let me know. I am also under the impression that it would be much cheeper over the internet than going to a hobby store here in america.
Sorry if it is off topics because i never built a resin kits model before. Just curious about which model you are going to built?, so mind telling me which one? (forgive me for my bad english:( )
I am also on the hunt for a picture of this one. It is the picture of her in her white dress sitting on top of an orange machine. She has her wings out and her hair looks like it is blowing upward. She has her hands on her knees.

I think I looked through ever part of every picture gallery here trying to find it. I need a good picture for a better reference. The one on the front of the box isn't very good and the instructions aren't worth a crap.

I got everything sorted last nigth and pretty much figured out where the pieces all fit. Now to find some good supplies and try it. Anyway, I need to find some glue and paint for this at a good price.
I got some pictures of Belldandy 1/8 resin kits but none meets all ur descriptions. I know the one she has her wings on is a 1/12 scale resin kits.As for where she is in her white dress, the only one i can think of is 1/4 Belldandy in her wedding dress. Btw, where did you buy it? as far as i know, the one in stores now is 1/10 scale, where it featuring Belldandy and Holybell (also, if i'm not wrong the 1/10 scales I mentioned was already released back in August 1997)

Oh yea..THX for ur welcomes. I know, US is very far even from where I currently are.:)

And again sorry as it is another off-topic.
My husband bought it off the internet. It says on the front 1998 Summer WonderFestival special.

I searched the internet and found the pics but some guy was using them for a background on his website and I couldn't save it. I just need the picture for reference in painting and placement of stuff. I have everything all sorted out.

Anyway...I am almost ready to start the glueing. For nayone that has done this before....any advice? She's pretty complex and I don't want to mess her up.