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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 04:19
Belldandy Gift

Red Vs Blue

Topics Misc Red Vs Blue
This thread's dedicated to the very funny and very popular Web machinima series "Red Vs Blue" and it's creators Rooster Teeth. I got the idea from nighthawk8799 posting a link to a Red vs Blue (RvB) Video

As i posted in another thread, the site for roosterteeth is www.roosterteeth.com

Info on the series with thanks to wikipedia.org

and finally, the resource site

you're free to talk about and post links to RvB episodes, but if you're easily offended by the stuff featured in the episodes and the posts, then you shouldn't read this thread. i'm not saying that any or all of the posts are going to be offensive, i'm just giving you fair warning beforehand
okay... now there's some awkward memories O_o
RvB is really cool and fun... but you wouldnt imagine how my friend loved it...

around last year. My friend actually told everyone in school that he made RvB,
he re-edited the credits, masked the rossterteeth tp "PPV studios" (his name in acro.) re-made some sound stuff and presented pathetic facts to support him.
And he also wanted me and some other of our close friends to play with him, I did not even agree to it but he still placed our names on the credits.. He got the series of 1 to 3 i think then got it on DVD and presented it to almost everybody.. He also printed his own CD cover as well as for the case.. it was pathetic.. hahaha.
I just slightly played along, He blackmailed me to support in his scheme. He also promised to treat me during recess. Well, thats really pathetic I know, but...

later on he realized that, nobody really cares. It was found out eventually and he had to explain things to the masses, hahaha.

but its Red vs Blue is really amazing and hilariuos... =D
I liked the 4th of July PSA:p My dad, being a Marine, knows plenty of ordnance types, and according to them people who set off fireworks are complete morons. I can't say I disagree. I think I preferred Caboose slightly more before he became a complete retard. Before he was just misguided:p
out of the characters my fave was Grif ^^.
haha. well, so far he is the smartest one in the series..
I liked grif too; he was funny. you gotta admit his sister was good too

Simmons: You heard what command said. Sarge is dead. He died of... what'd he die of?
Sister: Aspirin overdose.
Simmons: See, Sarge is dead of... an Aspirin overdose? Really?
Sister: I know, I didn't think it was possible! Trust me, I've tried.
Simmons: Yeah... wait, what?