the manga i'm reading now is 3x3 Eyes
the genres are: action, fantasy and a bit of romance
One evening, Yakumo, a young Tokyo citizen, meets Pai. She bears a message from Ykumo's father, who vanished a few years before in Tibet. In this letter, Yakumo learns that Pai is the last survivant of a mysterious race, who has extrordinary powors, and so he must help her to transform herself into a human being. Our young heros seak out into fantastic adventures thoughout the world.
3x3 Eyes is a fantastic manga, unique in it's style. It is concidered as one one of the most facsinating series ever produced in Japan. Despite the number of volumes, le plot remains captivating: our 2 heros adventures follow each other, each one more fantastic than the others, with combats more and more majestic.
(translation from )
my view: ..... I LOVE THIS MANGA!!!!!! no really, the story is absolutely captivating and the grafics are beautiful... it's a must read!