Aww thats cute Peng, let her come to you is my only advice, searching won't do you any good ^-^ I believe in destiny, and if your destined to meet, you will meet when the time is right!
As for you Goku, I am so jelous! We have rain here and the sun has only peaked out, ever so often. I can;'t wait for the sun, according to the forcasts, the sun will be out again when my exams end, that would be so ncie ^-^!!
Sadly this Summer my house is still being renovated (this has been going on for 8 months so far) So I won't be enjoying it in my own hosue yet (they say we might not move back in till December :( ) However I will get to enjoy my pool this time! Its so cool it lights up all these different colours and thankfully it has a remote controle pool cover so I don't have to bust my arms before swimming trying to roll the darn thing, it weas like 300 pounds!