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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 18:10
Belldandy Gift


Another great series i found off Narutofan.com
This one for about the first 3rd of the series is really happy and very little romance but the rest of it is sad but its also when the romance kicks in.

This is about a 9th grader who has just moved into his home town that he left at the end of kindergarden. Because of a old legend the city is "cursed" with having many female identical twins. The main character, Nozomu, meets some of his old childhood friends and things just kind of go off from there. There are 5 pairs of twins or 10 girls that basically fall in love with Nozomu with an extra pair on the side that is just there to make a point that there are alot of twins.
The series gets sad basically because Nozomu doesnt know what to do with all these people that he could have as his girlfriend or for him to get in a relationship into.

And since my descriptions always suck, here is Narutofan.com's decription
After his father decided to work overseas, Nozomu moved to the town of his childhood to attend school -- but this is no ordinary town! There is a legend that twins once loved a man so much that they turned into birds and flew away, and the abundance of twins to be found is the result. For Futami, having multiple twins who like him is a dream come true, but also a lot of work since they all want his attention! Now, with jealous fan clubs, sibling rivalry and an ornery goat...

I really enjoyed this series but it only consisted of 13 episodes when it could have (and probably shud have) gotten more. The story sort of drops at the last episode but it says "the end" so...i recomment checking out this series but its not one that EVERYONE will like and we ALL must go out and buy.
i just love the Sakurazuki sisters!
They need to make a direct seqeul, not a spin off =/