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Wed, 19 Mar 2025 08:22
Belldandy Gift

Corrupt an AMG Fantasy Wish!

Topics Ah! My Goddess Corrupt an AMG Fantasy Wish!
Yeah but Marrler switched it with a mind controlling jacket making K1 following her every whim...ops thts too much for Marrler's power limit...ok make it Hild XD.
lol - that would make Hild happy!!

i wish that troubadour would come back to urd - i would love to see them togther!!
Granted, but Hild rapidly tires of him and ends up blasting him with the several classic Urd bolts. (That'll show him)

I wish Sayoko would return to the manga.
granted but Bell gets highly 'jealous' again!!

i wish megumi would compete in a race too!! ^_^
QuoteOriginally posted by chloe (view)
granted but Bell gets highly 'jealous' again!!

i wish megumi would compete in a race too!! ^_^

Did Bell ever get Jealous of Sayako?
QuoteOriginally posted by EvilPaladin (view)
Granted, but Bell burns her self out due to all of the effort and becomes weaker than Skuld.

[quote]On Yesterday, 20:06, Nighthawk8799 wrote:
You are a dark one aren't you?

Granted, but she is easily stopped by the other two, since her powers are still not well developed. (sorry if this offends you tailsfox, bu it is for the best)

I wish that Keiichi would become head of the Whirlwind shop (without involving the death of Chihiro, or any other character. Guess EvilPaladin won't have anything to add now

, but I'm sure it would involve bodily injury or emotional distress)

don't worry Nighthawk8799 I'm not offended I like the way you Corrupt it. (more offeneded by EvilPaladin crazy wish.)

It looks like I offended some people with my last post and I would like to apologize if you were offended by it. Just to explain my post, with the granting part I wanted to go really out there with the "interesting situations" part and really corrupt the wish. As for my wish, I was just running on the tangent I started with the granting and threw in Skuld's hatred of K1 with a pinch of curiosity as to everyone's reaction. Boy did I get a reaction, I thought that NightHawk's comment was a bit harsh and TailsFoxFive's comment actually hurt (not quite sure why).

Any way on to my wish that will be horribly corrupted *rubs hands together*

I wish that I was in Keiichi's position.[/QUOTE] I do apologize EvilPalidin. You just came out of left field with that one:sheep: Also very different from what people would usually post here, which isn't a bad thing. I'm not much of a Skuld fan, so there was a little jest in that response as well:p I took acception to the celtic thing as much because Irish and Celtic are lumped together in terms of pop culture, so don't think I was mad at you for that. I have a sarcastic sense of humor, and it can across as a bit harsh at times, so I'll try to tone things down. Keep up the corruption, you do have some of the most innovative ones to say the least:E
Granted, but Megumi must race Belldandy...

I wish Keiichi and Belldandy's relationship would actually advance (I can't believe this hasn't been proposed yet!)

**On a side note, it appears that Nighthawk and EvilPaladin are locked in an apologetic battle. Now EvilPaladin, you may believe that your apologies are the most sincere, but I will tell you that Nighthawk is a formidable opponent. I suggest scale this down now, and not mention it again. After all, it was seven pages ago. Ancient History...
Granted, but time would stop immediately afterwords.

I wish we could really know how much longer the manga series will continue (I've heard some rumors, but those are hardly reliable)
Granted, but you find out when the manga is going to end because the mangaka got bored of the series and decided to wrap it up as quickly as possible.

(Hey, they did say to corrupt a wish, and I'm also the Dark Lord of the Cats... I'm supposed to be evil.)

I wish at least some of Keiichi's electronic/automotive stuff that wasn't totally outdated. (C'mon -who the heck still has a Beta VCR in this day and age? Better yet, why would anyone have one?)
Granted, but after K1 buys a pimped out computer, a HD LCD TV, surround sound, an Xbox 360 with enough controlers, and a wireless network using a highspeed cable connetction, Skuld goes on another parts hunt around the house and takes the parts from all of the new equipment. Before K1 can get Skuld to put the parts back, she tries to turn on the new machine but something goes horriblly wrong and the circuitry fries and then the machine explodes. K1 breaks down because of this bc this pushed his finances to the brink and he had to take out a new line of credit with high interest and so he cant buy it again or get them fixed, Skuld's tampering voided all of the warrenties, and K1 has trouble making the payments and so the creditors repo his bike and sidecar. These events put K1 into depression and he has to work several night jobs in addition to being employed by Chirro, seeing K1 like this makes Belldandy depressed, Urd hates Skuld with a passion over the destruction of the TV and surround sound, Lind and Peorth are angry with Skuld for the same reasons as Urd in addition to the destruction of the Xbox 360 and depression of K1 and Skuld feels horrible about it all and tries to get a job but cant due to child labor laws and tries to build a machine to restrict her powers enough to make her an adult and she gets the parts by scraping Banpei and Sigel. Once again, something goes horribly wrong and injures herself and is put into a coma until a week after K1's death, and during that time Bell and K1 are further deppressed.

Its called Betamax not Beta VCR and he has it for its quality picture and like Bell says, he cherishes the old neglected objects for their qualities. Darthtabby, you may be the dark lord of the felines, but I am the most evil of all heros charged with strikeing down evil. (Im kinda curious how many people on this site got the oxymoron behind my name.)

Glad to see you like the corruption that I have done Nighthawk and Bdiah that'll be the end of the apology wars.

I wish that Lind confessed her feelings for K1
Granted, but Belldandy hears it, runs off crying and her jealousy storm destroys the temple. (Fortunately K1 catches up to her and they have another romantic moment, making their love even stronger)

I wish that K1 would offer to help Belldandy with the housework
Heheh, I like that one. (I'm a big AMG fan, but I still sometimes think that Belldandy's domesticity ought to be toned down a little bit.)


Granted, but he manages to mix up Urd's potion ingredients while dusting, damages one of Skuld's mechas while cleaning it, and sets fire to the kitchen while ruining dinner.

I wish Megumi got focused on a little bit more.


I'm aware that Keiichi likes old stuff, but you got to admit, old stuff that it seemed reasonable for a character like him to own in the late eighties or early nineties doesn't necessarily seem quite so reasonable in 2007. I don't think it's very easy to find tapes for a Betamax VCR anymore...

(Oh, and also, thanks for the greeting message you sent me a while back, although I'm a little unsure of where it went.)
I don't mind Bell being big on cleaning and cooking etc., it makes her cute (I like how she always wants to clean up dirty rooms), I just think it would be cute to see Bell and K1 doing the chores together
Granted.(The megumi focus wish).

But she got a demon as her boyfriend instead. What happens next?

I wish someone would continue my story of Megumi n her new demon boyfriend.
Granted, but they begin focusing too much on Megumi and the softball club and everyone loses interest in the thread.

Speaking of which, I wish BAF's community would become even stronger in my upcoming absence.