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Wed, 19 Mar 2025 08:22
Belldandy Gift

Corrupt an AMG Fantasy Wish!

Topics Ah! My Goddess Corrupt an AMG Fantasy Wish!
Granted but the motor club accidentally got in the way.

I wish Belldandy, Urd, and Skuld sung us a beautiful song.

QuoteOriginally posted by EvilPaladin (view)
Granted, but Bell burns her self out due to all of the effort and becomes weaker than Skuld.

[quote]On Yesterday, 20:06, Nighthawk8799 wrote:
You are a dark one aren't you?

Granted, but she is easily stopped by the other two, since her powers are still not well developed. (sorry if this offends you tailsfox, bu it is for the best)

I wish that Keiichi would become head of the Whirlwind shop (without involving the death of Chihiro, or any other character. Guess EvilPaladin won't have anything to add now

, but I'm sure it would involve bodily injury or emotional distress)

don't worry Nighthawk8799 I'm not offended I like the way you Corrupt it. (more offeneded by EvilPaladin crazy wish.)

It looks like I offended some people with my last post and I would like to apologize if you were offended by it. Just to explain my post, with the granting part I wanted to go really out there with the "interesting situations" part and really corrupt the wish. As for my wish, I was just running on the tangent I started with the granting and threw in Skuld's hatred of K1 with a pinch of curiosity as to everyone's reaction. Boy did I get a reaction, I thought that NightHawk's comment was a bit harsh and TailsFoxFive's comment actually hurt (not quite sure why).

Any way on to my wish that will be horribly corrupted *rubs hands together*

I wish that I was in Keiichi's position.[/QUOTE]
it's ok, I'm just playing around :p.
Granted, but like Tenacious D, you forget the song completely afterwards. (Like in Tribute)

Well nice to see Im not the most hated guy on the site.

I would like to take a moment to applaud Chloe's great wish corruption where K1 is the date sabateurer and to point out something I realized shortly after reading it, which is that K1 and Sentaro have never met each other in either the manga or the anime but they have seen each other in the manga which is when the gang was spying on Skuld and Sentaro. The panel is floating around the site in a gallery in both B&W and color for all to see. Strange revelations aside...

I wish that there is an episode in the anime where everyone inexplicably bursts out in song and dance like in the Buffy episode called "Once more, with feeling"
Granted, but unfortunately, they break into the Irish "Riverdance". Can you imagine the horror?

Wait, EvilPaladin, who is the most hated person on the site? I feel like I misunderstood something in the previous posts...
(By the way, I thought the Senbei/Skuld comment was quite amusing and quite an appropriate pairing... Shakin!!)

I wish Keiichi and Belldandy would go on a trip on their own, for once!
QuoteOriginally posted by Bdiah (view)
Granted, but unfortunately, they break into the Irish "Riverdance". Can you imagine the horror?

Wait, EvilPaladin, who is the most hated person on the site? I feel like I misunderstood something in the previous posts...
(By the way, I thought the Senbei/Skuld comment was quite amusing and quite an appropriate pairing... Shakin!!)

I wish Keiichi and Belldandy would go on a trip on their own, for once!

Granted, but Yggdrasil crashes and Bell spend the entire trip asleep

I wish that they'd have that boy that Urd was in love with when she became a kid come back
Granted, but Shohei (the kid Urd was with) sets his sights on Skuld and gets beat up by Sentaro for hitting on Skuld.

QuoteOriginally posted by Bdiah (view)
Granted, but unfortunately, they break into the Irish "Riverdance". Can you imagine the horror?

Wait, EvilPaladin, who is the most hated person on the site? I feel like I misunderstood something in the previous posts...
(By the way, I thought the Senbei/Skuld comment was quite amusing and quite an appropriate pairing... Shakin!!)

I wish Keiichi and Belldandy would go on a trip on their own, for once!

Glad to see that someone liked one of my lesser liked posts. I also like your "Riverdance" corruption and would be curious to see how that would turn out.

I wish that Celestine would return.
QuoteOriginally posted by EvilPaladin (view)
Granted, but Shohei (the kid Urd was with) sets his sights on Skuld and gets beat up by Sentaro for hitting on Skuld.

QuoteOriginally posted by Bdiah (view)
Granted, but unfortunately, they break into the Irish "Riverdance". Can you imagine the horror?

Wait, EvilPaladin, who is the most hated person on the site? I feel like I misunderstood something in the previous posts...
(By the way, I thought the Senbei/Skuld comment was quite amusing and quite an appropriate pairing... Shakin!!)

I wish Keiichi and Belldandy would go on a trip on their own, for once!

Glad to see that someone liked one of my lesser liked posts. I also like your "Riverdance" corruption and would be curious to see how that would turn out.

I wish that Celestine would return.

Granted, but Urd would fire lightning bolts at him until he ran away.

I wish that they would use more celtic music in the seaon three opeining
Granted, but they put a song with lyrics that has nothing to do with the series (like about someone selling barley or irish barfights) that would leave everysingle fan wondering whats going on.

I wish that Welsper would return to his normal demon state.

Oh and LVL UP! Im a MMORPG guy and people say that when they lvl up so its kinda of a habit. (Like to say sorry to Darthtabby for prematurely saying that on his guestbook thing. (say hi to the new kid))
Granted, but then Chihiro would be after him because she'd think he was cute.

(Sorry if that doesn't quite work, as someone who's primarily familiar with the AMG anime I only know a little bit about Welsper. The possibility that it might work made it too good to pass up though.)

I wish we'd get to see more of Urd in her goddess robes.
granted but that means she has to go to heaven more frequently!!

i wish K1 graduated soon and got his dream job!
QuoteOriginally posted by chloe (view)
granted but that means she has to go to heaven more frequently!!

i wish K1 graduated soon and got his dream job!

(Actually I think he's already graduated, since in the arc where Bell lost her voice , he remarked that he didn't feel quite like he belonged on the campus, and she was thinking about how her feeling still managed to reach him.)

Granted, but Chihiro is his boss

I wish they'd have another bike build off and race
"Granted, but they put a song with lyrics that has nothing to do with the series (like about someone selling barley or irish barfights)"

Shows what you know about Celts :=

Granted, but it becomes to formulaic, taking the fun out of it.

Can't remember if this was used already:sheep:, but I wish Peorth and Tamiya were able to get together.
Granted, but Peorth and Tamiya want to do different stuff and are too stubborn to compromise and so give up on each other.

QuoteOriginally posted by Nighthawk8799 (view)
"Granted, but they put a song with lyrics that has nothing to do with the series (like about someone selling barley or irish barfights)"

Shows what you know about Celts :=

Granted, but it becomes to formulaic, taking the fun out of it.

Can't remember if this was used already:sheep:, but I wish Peorth and Tamiya were able to get together.

True I am not highly knowledgeable about Celts and the Irish barfight thing was just a joke, but the thing about a song with someone selling barley is true. I kid you not! One time a friend and I were in Wal-Mart and he found a Celtic music CD and bought it on a whim and on the way back home we blared it with the windows down (we dont normally do that but we thought it would be hilarious to do with Celtic music) and one of the songs on the CD was about a woman who sold her barley to get something for her love or some reason like that. It was a nice song.

I wish that Welsper, in his non-cat state, was able to go on a date with Belldandy.
No worries EvilPalidin :E Just so long as you bear in mind that Celtic culture is often overgeneralized to mean simply Irish to many people, when it in fact encompasses Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Brittany, and northwestern Spain. Irish are the leading drinkers of tea in the world by the way, not beer:p I only have scant Irish ancsetry, so I only get uppity when the term Celtic is only used to refer to Irish instead of the other many Celtic areas that still survive.

I do have the unfortunate tendency to go off topic, so consider the topic returned to its normal state! (Though I have no wish to add right now :sheep: )
QuoteOriginally posted by EvilPaladin (view)
Granted, but Peorth and Tamiya want to do different stuff and are too stubborn to compromise and so give up on each other.

QuoteOriginally posted by Nighthawk8799 (view)
"Granted, but they put a song with lyrics that has nothing to do with the series (like about someone selling barley or irish barfights)"

Shows what you know about Celts :=

Granted, but it becomes to formulaic, taking the fun out of it.

Can't remember if this was used already:sheep:, but I wish Peorth and Tamiya were able to get together.

True I am not highly knowledgeable about Celts and the Irish barfight thing was just a joke, but the thing about a song with someone selling barley is true. I kid you not! One time a friend and I were in Wal-Mart and he found a Celtic music CD and bought it on a whim and on the way back home we blared it with the windows down (we dont normally do that but we thought it would be hilarious to do with Celtic music) and one of the songs on the CD was about a woman who sold her barley to get something for her love or some reason like that. It was a nice song.

I wish that Welsper, in his non-cat state, was able to go on a date with Belldandy.

Granted, but Bell doesn't understand what Velsper means by a date and she brings K1, Urd, Skuld, Peorth, Lind, Chihiro and the Motor Club along.

I wish that the Gate would come back
Granted ,but Urd , Skuld, and Peorth aren't going to be there.

I wish Belldandy bought K1 a new jacket.