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Tue, 18 Mar 2025 17:47
Belldandy Gift

Corrupt an AMG Fantasy Wish!

Topics Ah! My Goddess Corrupt an AMG Fantasy Wish!
Granted. One episode later, he's hit by a truck that has the inexplicable power to kill divine beings and we have to start from square one again.

I wish for K1 and Bell-chan to have more intimate moments now. Y'know, something I still deem they kinda need.
Granted. Suddenly they can't keep their hands off of eachother, until one day Skuld walks in on them frolicking in the kitchen (an unusual situation with cake, whipped cream and eggs ensues), after which Skuld mallets Keiichi to death.

I wish they'd make that cute kid, Shohei Yoshida, pop up more often for interaction with Urd. :3
Granted, but after some intense dialoge from Shohei, they "interact" and then everyone has to figure out a way to get Urd of trouble with his parents and the law while Urd deals with another licensce pull.

Yeah, they should bring back that kid.

I wish that we could find out a bit more about Lind.
Granted, a n episode filled all about Lind, then after she disapears from AMG completly...

I wish that the Ultimate force, is at ALL-times working,
we obviously see that it has been reduced since season2 or earlier...
Granted, but we find out that the first thing that the system did to ensure Keiichi's wish was to alter Belldandy's feelings for him and the system later set up for Urd to get the relationship advanced but that was when the system crashed and during that time Skuld came. When the system came back online, there were no satifactory solutions to remove Skuld and Urd so it allowed for them to stay. The system's first action after the Lord of Terror incident was to advance the relationship by giving Keiichi a second wish through Peorth (without any tampering of her behavior or feelings(thats just normal Peorth)). Later the system sent Peorth to help resolve the doublet incident which causes more problems and leads to Hild showing up which leads to the Angel Eater incident. The system used Lind so that in the course of resolving the incident, Lind would get stronger by bringing out her second angel, so the system set up for Lind to be at the right spot to be infected as the host for the Angel Eater.

The system is a treacherous scheming little bastard.

Stevejaen, you are an evil greater than Wal-Mart and McDonald's combined.

I wish that there is an arc that reveals Belldandy's first love that caused her to unlock her powers. (You know like how Skuld's love for Sentaro caused her to unlock her powers.)
O.o me evil? lol XD hehe, i just wanted them to be together, i didnt thnk the cosequeces x_x

?arc between Belldandy's first love? meaning Celestin? >.< uuu, (i really hav a dislike for celestin.. sorry bout that, but yeah...)

fine, wish granted.
But then Belldandy relesed enourmus power that she weakened Celestin forever...

i wish that Belldandy had never fell in love with celstin...
granted But............Belldandy never meets Celistine and she never becomes a goddess and never meets K1 and her famliy ends up with no way to support themselfs and Bell ends up working for Henti

I wish Sephiroth (from Final Fantsy 7 not in human form but with his one wing) exscaped from the life stream and ended up on earth in Ah my goddess just like Celistine but he dosen't need a host
Granted. Belldandy gets shanked by the dude just like how it happened to Aeris.

I wish the Motor Club somehow developed the Kamata Angelus from the Ridge Racer games.
Alternately, I wish the Valkyries of Valkyrie Profile somehow met up with the Goddesses.
Hmm, now those are two wishes. Let's see...

I grant you the wish of the Valkyries colliding with the AMG universe. Lenneth and Rind/Lind meet eachother in an intense battle, seeing as how both are valkyries but from different universes. Instead of the fabulous battle that might ensue (and which would make it an awesome wish), an entire episode centers around Lenneth, Rind, Peorth and Belldandy sitting in the garden drinking tea, giving eachother fashion tips.
After which Marller/Mara kills them all out of pure boredom.

I wish we knew which demon is linked to Urd. I mean, her being partly demon would make it a tad different, I would think. Perhaps there exists a demon who is partly a god/goddess too?
Thanks to her license, Urd is technically a goddess, even if she is half demon by blood. So that wouldn't really prevent her from having a full demon doublet.

As for a demon with some divine blood in them... well, possibly, but I get the impression that half bloods like Urd are extremely rare. I wonder how such a demon(ess) would be treated. Urd probably had her mother's influence to protect her, the child of a lower ranking demoness might not. (Of course, the child of a lower ranking demoness might not have to worry so much about his/her mother's political enemies...)

You thought about starting a new topic along these lines? It could potentially generate some interesting discussion.