Granted, Urd's birthday comes first and a bunch of deities that Urd knows comes down to party, some of her other mortal buddies, and the two demonesses we know and love. starts normal enough but kinda quickly degenerates into a highly drunken party which further degenerates into a large drunken orgy. Bell, K1, Skuld, and Lind flee the scene faster than you can say "GAS IT!" Crazily enough, this happens WITHOUT any demons spiking the drinks.
On to Skuld's birthday. While Bell is making the cake and homemade ice cream for the party, she leaves the food for a moment to ask Keiichi to pick up a few ingredients for her,during that time mara pops in and poisons the cake and ice cream and quickly gets out before Bell returns. The party consists of the five goddesses, K1, and Sentaro. Time comes around for cake and ice cream and every one loves it, its another great culinary success of Belldandy's. After a few bites into the cake, K1 turns to Bell to say how great it is and Sentaro is bringing his cup of punch up for a drink, but his cup doesnt reach his mouth. It gets to the midpoint, waivers, and he falls face first into his slice of cake. Keiichi turns and says "Whats wro...." and falls face first into the cake itself. Bell and Skuld go to their respective man to see whats wrong, Urd checks K1 and sees he is dead beyond recovery and the same goes for Sentaro. Bell begins to break down and cry her heart out, Skuld is stunned and cant think. Then there is a loud cackle heard from the outside and they go outside to see who it is and standing outside is Mara gloating in her success to bring misery to the household. The four goddesses begin to ask why, but Skuld in a blind storm of rage, charges Mara and attacks her and after a few well placed blows and a forced twist of Mara's neck, Skuld kills Mara. During that short time, Peorth takes a few steps to try to stop Skuld but begins to have shortness of breath, she clutches her chest, and falls to her knees to cough and wheezes a few times and falls on her side dead. For a moment all is silent and still, until Skuld begins to spasm and scream, her angel Noble Scarlet comes out screaming and shedding feathers. When all of the feathers fall off Noble Scarlet's wings are revealed to be demon wings like Blue Wasp's and Skuld's eyes are now a combonation of yellow and red (like Anakin's eyes in episode III) and her symbols are now demon red. Lind not wanting to risk any more lost lives moves in to try to arrest Skuld but Skuld resists and begins to fight Lind. Lind creates an EMP wave and takes out most of Skuld's arsenal and Nekomi. After an epic half hour of straight fighting and Urd having to restrain Belldandy, Skuld is badly beaten and has taken alot of damage. Lind is about to take Skuld when Hild appears and declares that she is takeing her new apprentice home to fix her up and snatches Skuld and disappears. Much later in hell after major healing and rest, Hild walks into Skuld's room and says H:"Can you hear me?" S:"Yes master" H:"Then rise Dus" The newly named Dus stands and is fully clothed in a black leather version of her old goddess uniform.
Man, SOO many people are gonna hate me for this, especially TailsFoxFive5, but this long drawn out story kinda came to me when I saw it and I had to do it. Sorry Fox. BTW, just how family friendly is this site supposed to be anyways?
As for my wish, I wish for someone to continue the tale.