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Wed, 19 Mar 2025 01:07
Belldandy Gift

Corrupt an AMG Fantasy Wish!

Topics Ah! My Goddess Corrupt an AMG Fantasy Wish!
Granted, but there is no third season, no second movie, no second OVA, and Koskue Fujima (sorry if I misspelled the author's name) dies in a motorcycle accident and the manga suddenly ends. After the tragic turn of events, the community lingers a bit, but then we all go our seperate ways as other animes come up or we lose interest in anime then the people at the helm of BAF take it offline.

*sniff*I think I have something in my eye.*wipes eyes and blows nose*

I wish that Peorth and Urd would get into a serious fight. (The reason... Umm.... Urd gets angry from Peorth's recent encroachment on K1.)
granted but, it was a tie.

I wish banpei and sigel weny out on a date.
Granted, but just to be out of left field, while they're out, Belldandy gets kidnapped, tied to...something, and held hostage for...I dunno, gimme a certain amount of money that's ludicrously high.

I wish I could see that.
Granted, but when you first arrive at the house you get beaten to unconciousness by an angry K1 demanding to know where Bell is and you get smacked around since he thinks that your the kidnapper.

Is $999Trilion ludicrously high enough?

I wish that Sentaro would dial the wrong number and get Peorth for wish granting duty.
Belldandy would be able to escape unless it was Mara or Hild capturing her, no human could possibly hope to kidnap a goddess.

And even if they were some how able to capture her, Urd and the others would rescue her because Urd can follow her magical signature

Then whoever captured her would face Urds Lightning botls, Peorths thorn whips, skuld Bombs and Rind's Axe

Actually considering how nice Bell is, the kidnapper would probably end up repenting and turning themselves in convinced by her purity to give up their life of crime
QuoteOriginally posted by EvilPaladin (view)
Granted, but when you first arrive at the house you get beaten to unconciousness by an angry K1 demanding to know where Bell is and you get smacked around since he thinks that your the kidnapper.

Is $999Trilion ludicrously high enough?

I wish that Sentaro would dial the wrong number and get Peorth for wish granting duty.
((That's ludicrously high enough.))

Granted. But to be out of left field again...Peorth isn't cooperative in the least and some un-entertaining tension breaks out, followed by a scene roughly resembling a Spaghetti Western barroom brawl. And Peorth gets knocked out with a whisky bottle to the back of the head.

I wish there were more "traveling" episodes.
Granted, but they go on a plane to fly somewhere and in midflight, snakes start comeing out off the metal works(like wood works but a plane is a 2ton flying metal tube so metal works). Skuld tries to take em out with her bombs but gets taken down by air marshalls, urd doesnt want to risk blowing up the plane and killing K1 and several thousand other people so she just does individual shocks on each snake as she touches them, Keiichi keeps getting bitten and Bell keeps on curing him and other passengers until she gets so irratated and just shouts "I am SICK AND TIRED of these MOTHERFUCKIN SNAKES, on my MOTHER FUCKING PLANE!!" and then does a spell to cause each snake to explode. While all this happens the pilots get killed and the plane begins to go down so K1 has to pilot the plane to the airport.

Alternate granting: They go on a roadtrip through the american southwest and the bike breaks down and they cant fix it out there and K1 refuses to leave it and so they start pushing it down the road. On their way, they find a stray horse and take turns riding the horse and pushing the bike. None of them can think of a name for it and then Troubadour shows up with an acoustic guitar and starts playing "Horse with no name".

If it was Sentaro that brained Peorth with a whiskey bottle then I would have to question the parenting skills of Sentaro's parents.

I wish that Chihiro would give Keiichi a good raise.
Sounds like you're hitting the sauce a little too much EP, since Bell doesn't like to Kill, nor does she curse :P

Granted but she makes him work much harder putting his health at risk and making Bell worry

I wish that Peorth would fall for Tamiya
Granted. It only happens for one ep, ONCE.

I wish Ah! My Goddess and M.A.C.H. ( http://www.machpsp.com/ ) crossed over for a few eps!
Granted, but when K1 takes to the skies, he gets shot down and killed.

I was just going for the hilarity of picturing Bell cursing and the snakes on a plane reference.

I wish that Lind gets posted on Earth.
QuoteOriginally posted by EvilPaladin (view)
Granted, but when K1 takes to the skies, he gets shot down and killed.

I was just going for the hilarity of picturing Bell cursing and the snakes on a plane reference.

I wish that Lind gets posted on Earth.

Yeah but Bell isn't Samuel L. Jackson :P

Urd or Peorth or Lind would be a better choice for the cursing and yelling about snakes
Dude, I think I'm going to have to back EvilPaladin on this one. The fact that such behaviour would be so out of character for Belldandy is what makes the idea so funny!
Granted, but lind makes urd go back up to heaven.

I wish Skuld put her hair back like Tohru Honda.
Granted, but Sentaro doesnt like the new hairstyle and Keiichi thinks it looks funny on her and pokes some fun at Skuld's new bangs which upsets Skuld. Bell seeing this decides to cut her hair to look like Lind's hair to try to cheer up Skuld. Keiichi on acting on his curiosity, asks Lind if her strange hair style is intentional or by accident that she hasnt gotten around to fixing yet. Lind being sensitive about her hair trys to dislocate K1's right arm but ends up accidently ripping it off instead.

I wish that Lind went on a one on one date with Keiichi.
Granted, but has a jealousy storm whick hurt lind very badly.

I wish urd makes another sexy video tape.