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Wed, 19 Mar 2025 01:07
Belldandy Gift

Corrupt an AMG Fantasy Wish!

Topics Ah! My Goddess Corrupt an AMG Fantasy Wish!
Granted, the war gets sparked over the death of K1 that Aoshima and the demons caused which causes Belldandy and Megumi to go on a rampage where Bell, Megumi, Mara, and many henchmen belonging to Aoshima get killed which causes the war and shortly after Skuld is killed in front of Sentaro which causes him to dedicate his life to demon slaying and he becomes one of the leading figures on the heavenly human side and he grows up living on the war. Shortly after the death of Skuld, Lind and an army of valkyries are posted on earth to fight the forces of hell. The war lasts for twenty years.

During this time Sentaro gets feelings for Lind since she saves him a few times and he saves her and she is the last goddess aside from Urd still on earth that was at the temple during his childhood. Peorth in the third year lost her left shoulder and the portion of her body where her left kidney would be (if she were human) permanantly and was recalled to heaven to man Yggdrasil. Urd throughout the war has been forced into neutrality by both sides since she is half goddess and half demon thus leading both sides to question her trustability.

In the 19th year, Lind fights and kills Hild at the loss of 15 valkyries. Urd finds out about this and attacks Lind using both goddess and demon magic. Sentaro sees the fight and is faced with a choice: Let his newer love Lind die or Kill Urd the last reminder and sister of Skuld. Right before the death blow to be delivered to Lind, both Lind and Urd are surprised by the sword sprouting from Urd's heart and they hear a tear filled "Im sorry" of a man who had his innocence and first love stolen as a boy. Urd dies and Lind holds the crying boy that came out one last time from the man. Sentaro never truly forgives himself for that day despite what anyone says.

In the 20th and final year, the war ends after a decisive battle at what is called the battle of Serenity in the grand canyon. Lind and Sentaro return to the temple where the whole war began and Lind restores it before leaving for heaven leaving behind a lonely Sentaro and a burning wish that he tries to get granted by calling at random to no avail. Giving up the hunt Sentaro calls for Pizza but instead gets in contact with our favorite French goddess and... well you can probably guess what his wish was.

I was really fighting the urge to put the happy ending on this one but I think ruining sentaro's life and killing most of the goddesses makes up for the happy ending. Im kinda proud of this piece.

I wish that Keiichi gets a mysterious package with no return address.
granted... this started your story (EvilPaladin), with a little twitch. The package was filled with a deadly virus that can only affect Keiichi. Thus making bell really angry and sad... then so on.. BUT only that no goddess died... then belldandy meets keiichi in heaven ^^
( why are you so cruel? x_x)

I wish that belldandy wud lose her powers but only transfers on to keiichi, (making him a God?)^^hehe
Granted, but Keiichi would go mad and die horribly from the sudden influx of effeminate godly powers and the loss of her powers through keiichi's death leaves Belldandy as a powerless mortal. A depressed powerless mortal.

I wish that Keiichi and the five goddesses would goto an anime convention like Otacon or something.
Granted, but the wave of fanboys and otakus that descends upon them crushes them, and now they can't go to any more :(

Hmm. I wish....that Belldandy would come to earth for real and warm the hearts of all!:p (Made to purposefully sound lame my good Paladin:E)
Granted, but as with several good promonant people in the past, someone makes an assasination attempt but fails. The attempt on her life angers Belldandy and brings about the end of days.

I could tell DayHawk.

I wish that the characters would find out that they are in a manga/anime.
Granted to both.

For the first one, you choose to attach files to the e-mail message, but the e-mail bounces because the file is too big.

And for the second one, since the fourth wall breaks, the characters decide they need a vacation. And leave.

I wish AMG could cross over with a few CLAMP things, like CCS, Chobits, Kobato...

...and on a completely unrelated note, NGen Racing FTW.
I wonder why people always capitalize the 'h'. It's all one word, not two mashed together. :susp:
I wonder why people always capitalize the 'h'. It's all one word, not two mashed together.

I... don't understand what are you talking about... , sorry.

QuoteGranted to both.

For the first one, you choose to attach files to the e-mail message, but the e-mail bounces because the file is too big.

And for the second one, since the fourth wall breaks, the characters decide they need a vacation. And leave.

Which wishes that you grants?

I wish that the characters would find out that they are in a manga/anime.
I wish AMG could cross over with a few CLAMP things, like CCS, Chobits, Kobato...

Because of distorsion of time and space, which made Sakura and her cards [CCS] and wands and Chii [Chobits] came into K1's temple [house]. At first, it's only Chii who made mess with her innocent but cause much trouble. but Bell [and HolyBell] sing a song, Sakura thought that She [holybell] is another CLOW card, which makes her try to catch Holybell. But by riding the wind, Bell and holybell keep dodging. And here comes Urd and Skuld who trying to help bell, but what happened? Noble Scarlet got cought and being sealed on the card. By joining Water and Noble Scarled power, Sakura cought Urd's Angel [I forgot her name].
But! When Sakura trying to use water, noble scarlet, fire, Urd's Angel, a distorsion space are opened once again, which absorb Skuld, Urd, Bell and Sakura.
So, now K1 babysitting Chii.
-- The end --

I wish that K1 and Chii would had a happy ending! [continue the story above]

The international mercenary, Wild Dog, teams up with his equal number in the demon world, Wild...I dunno...Mushroom...and kidnaps Chii and the sealed Goddesses. The VSSE gets involved, and a huge fight ensues. K1 comes out on top, saving everyone. K1 is made an agent, the Goddesses and their angels are restored to their normal states, and Chii decides to undergo Crisis Mission training to become an agent herself and fight against evil someday.

And then, Wild Dog returns. Like he always does. O NOES.

((Been playing Time Crisis...sorry about that))

...I wish I was part of K1's motor club!
Granted, but Tamiya and Otaki would make you do an endurance race in a heap that may not last the first mile before falling apart.

I wish.....that all of Season 2 was available right now! Don't care if they can't finish all the dubbing:p
Granted. In a glitch, the rest of the dialogue got wiped, too.

I wish...I dunno...for...uhhh...I wish for more time to make a better wish.
granted but you make a bad wish that one dat you end up regreting and nearly kills you

I wish that Eclair didn't have too die in the Kiddy Grade 2
Granted, you get put into the hyperbaric time chamber from Dragon Ball Z which contains a wide space where 1 day outside is 1 year inside.

I wish that K1 would ask Belldandy and the other goddesses and Welsper important questions like:
1) Whats the meaning of life?
2) Was it the big bang or was it creation?
3) Which religion is right or are they all wrong?
4) What are all the numbers in Pi?
5) Whats heaven really like?
6) Whats hell relly like?
7) How do I get this stain out?
8) What are tommorrow's lotto numbers?
Stuff like that! I mean he has 3-5 goddesses and a demon convict hanging around his house. He should ask em some questions rather than just let em regularly reck the temple without paying with intel outside of human reach.
Granted. It's the most boring episode of AMG ever aired.

I wish Belldandy wouldn't get drunk on Coke. It's embarrassing.
Granted, but she starts a snorting addiction to Pixie Sticks (you know the powdered candy in a little paper or plastic tube) and her behavior switches from stoned hippy to malicious torture killer erraticly when she is high.

You guys are going to hate me with a passionate feeling. I just know it. I did consider having Skuld be the Pixie snorter, but I changed in favor of Bell.

I wish Welsper would get his body back.