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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 23:31
Belldandy Gift

Drug Industry (What you may not know)

Topics Misc Drug Industry (What you may not know)
Those chems are preaty scarry to think about...
I gave up Ice Cream and soda and I tell you it was a:cens:
"real" addictions wern't as hard to kick as those two rite there
there just to strong, more than what sugar should be..
Here's what you may not know....
why use secret "addictive chemicals" that have little or no effect and you have to keep secret when you can use common everyday ingredients that definatly work to addict people. Caffene is one of the most addictive chemicals on the planet, sugar is pretty high up there too, unlike many animals we're designed to detect and prefer sweetness. we're also designed to put on fat if we can, for times of famine. the problem with north americans is that we've gotten used to having what we want readily available, sugar and fat are easy to get. it's not about addiction(usually, there are exceptions) it's about habit and choice, you chose to eat rich fatty foods, and you have a habit of not exercising, you're gonna get fat.

If you're going to continue with this conspiracy theroy, start naming some of those hidden addictive chemicals

And thanks for everyone not going the illegal drug route, that's what i was talking about closing the thread over.... not foodstufs
oh I'm not denying the use of sugars and Caffeine at all but consider this
Diet coke is sugar and caffeine free.. and it tastes like it... but after a few cans you want more of it Why... there has to be some reason
probably the aspertame that stuff is used to replace suger it is by all means no where close to healthy it is used freguintly in most bubble gums, believe it or not this drug can actually make you 'stupid' I can't remember exactly what it does to the brain but one of the things is it slows down the functioning system like making reaction time slower or making you 'think slower' so to speak, basically Im possitive it will kill of brain cells, I'll find the info for you, and yes your right I should get the names of the chemicals, I have them but there in a book currently locked in my parents room (there away) Hopefully by tomorrow I'll have some for you ^-^ What makes them hard to find is they are usually kept secret (onbiously) and food industries are trying hard not to let the names leak out.

How ever here is another peice of interesting information, we have alot of companies such as Biologiqie making all natural foods but food/drug indistries are trying to shut them down. Why? Heres an example we all use medicines such as Advil and Tylenol to relieve headahces however there are medicines out there now that are all natural and can relieve you of headahces and in most cases permanitly. However they can't be released cause if they are medicines such as Advil will obviouslyt have no use anymore because there is a natural way to get rid of them. The drug industry doesn't want to lose money so currently they are trying to buy minerals and vitamins off the 'natural department' and call them 'drugs' So that way all naturaly companies can not use them. Apperintly we have a messed up law that says 'Only drugs can be used to heal sickness and disease' thats why it is so hard to get natural remedies on the market.
hmmm, if even half of that is true I'm glad I gave up Coke (shutters)

as for natural stuff...
Kava kava is a root extract that serves to block stress hormone in the brain and reduce anxiety levels, the stuff worked great. However, the problem as with all medicines is that too much can be a bad thing... A person took WAY too much and in a not so lucid state got him self killed. The drug industry lobbied for its removal and won. Funny no one says anything when someone
takes to many asprin and dies fron an OD...
Um, there are directions on any medicine that says how much you should take and so forth. If someone pops 25 asprin in one go, well, yeah, there's a chance they could die. If you have a headache that bad, you've probably had a stroke anyway... If not, well, that's natural selection for you.

What is truly outrageous is the price of prescription drugs and how hard these companies work to push them. I went to a doctor a year ago, and after having blood work, he told me "Your cholesterol is a little high, so I want you to start taking this medicine." That stuff costs about 200 dollars a month!

Six months later I went in and saw another doctor. After getting blood work again, he told me the medicine his collegue had put me on was damaging my liver, and that since my cholesterol was only high by 1 point, I really didn't need the medicine anyway. I later found out that the first doctor had been getting kickbacks from the drug company by putting a bunch of people on it, and he lost his license.

Fortunately, since I've changed the way I eat, my cholesterol is really low, and so is my blood pressure, all without any medication. And, I settled out of court and got my money back. My liver is back to normal too.

My point is that if we change our behavior, all these drugs are useless. People think they need to be medicated for everything, and we buy into it. Now, whenever a doctor says "I want you to start taking this, I tell them 'unless my life is at risk if I don't, forget it'". And if they say it is, I get a second opinion. I'm paying the doctor, they should be working for me, not the drug company.

hard to get natural remides? herbal supplements, "natural" medicines, traditional therapies.... are a booming market, loosely regulated,if at all, and hugely popular, i don't see drug companies shutting them down. And some of these "natural" drugs are as highly refined as sugar, or asparin, which first was extracted from willows.

As for diet coke, i occasionally suffer through a glass or two at my brothers house, I find the vile stuff is definatly NOT addictive, no matter how often i drink it... better than pepsi though. When i really want a soda i go for root beer... i like those plant extracts, especially the little hint of mint. mostly though I have water, it's the best to fix my thirst.
I rest my case!!!
You drink enough coke itll happen to you....
there is no way peaple drink it for taste, unless I have some horrable mental condition.... Nah
well caffiene is addictive ^-^ its trie you can get addictive to it, but I suppose some people like Lion are not affected, I envy you :P!

Althoguh you should be careful with products they say are 'all natural' I went into the pharmacy store to find an all natural acne scrub like dried fruits, and found one called 'Natural Switzerland formula' it was *18 ad I asumed 'hey its expensive, and says its all ntural and has all those fruits on the cover, maybe its true!' I turne the pack over to read the ingrediants, surprise surprise a huge thick list of chemicals that burn my face and last 'tea tree oil extract and vitamin C!' I was really bummed over it, so i read a book called 'The Beauty Bible' and discouved most facial products are nothing but crap on your skin because they are designed to burn off the acne. However for those looking for a product that will help use Pro Oxyle 5 (not the cleanser use the soap) It only has 3 ingrediants ^-^ Water, the technical term for soap, and Benzoyl Peroxide a proven agent that helps remove ance and prevent them! hahaha! im such an advertiser. It is a sulvent and im pretty sure it is a chemical however its not over loaded and alot better then Nuetragena and Clean and Clear.

Well thats a lesson to be careful on the make up and cleansers you buy.

NEW UPDATE! Ok hopefully this gets out but here is an EXCELLENT guide to help you when you buy food, it shows which chemicals can be very harmful to yourr system, and what other chemicals which are 'less harmful' do or don't. www.foodag.com I don't think there will be more replies, but if anything please use this guide, you will find a good improvment in youyr life ^-^ For example I used to get sick for a good month last yeart, but since I have eaten less chemically presserved/inhanced food I have not gotten sick once this year :D! Accept ofr minor symptoms, but my body fought off ^-^ So if it worked for me, the most receptive person in thr world, it should work out well for you ^_^ Hope this helped! and thanks for following along ^-^
My friend says you should eat as many preservetives as possable, you will live
bagles. With the cheese, the cream cheese, cuz everbody love the cheese with the cream, the creamy creamy cheese, the cheesy cheesy cream.

Larry (possessed by the spirit of Foamy the Squirrel temporarily)
a squirrel with a great and righteous anger, and his own cult.... does that mean he is a god? Don't ask his other squirrel "friend" about the drug industry.... or to babysit.
Not a god at all... he is...

The lord and master...


Im trying to give up soda...this is the 5th time Ive tried...its really tough. Everyone in my family drinks it so its always readily available...always there tempting me with that caffinated goodness

why dont u try flavoured carbonated spring water? i tasted some really good ones like cherry flavour, they taste just like soda only without all the sugar etc. give it a try! ^^