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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 20:13
Belldandy Gift

Drug Industry (What you may not know)

Topics Misc Drug Industry (What you may not know)
Well I have noticed there have been alot of commercials against the drug industry. Such as Cigerette making. There is alot of stuff out there theat they don't want you to know such as the drug indistry not listing some of their chemicals in food products that we conmsume everyday, foods that are labelled as 'Light' (Low in fat) actually contain chemcials that make you want to eat more and achieve the opposite, and so on. I wanted to hear everyone elese point of view on this because it is becomming extremly serious, so many people are unhealthy because the drug industries want money.
Conspiracy theories aside, do you really think this is a subject for the BAF forums? It's a bad subject for such a light hearted site,I hate closing any thread, but i don't think it can help but turn bad ..... just remember to say no to drugs. Thread open for now...
we can't have an open disscusion?

Anyway, I agree the drug industry is keeping a lot from us, they have simply become to corprate and profit motivated. That is what happens when men get to much power
hmm... i think i'm on Lion's side for this one... i don't really believe this is a subject for BAF. well sure it's an important subject, for the heath of others and ourselves, but it might bring some argument about what's right and what's wrong...
i am totally against smoking etc but i have to agree with Lionfish on this one, you're treading on dangerous ground, this is a Belldandy site afterall, such topics might not be that appropriate.
Aww thats too bad ^-^ perhaps your right and this is too advanced for this site ^-^ i just like to bring new discussions to forums. Sadly this attitude is what keeps people from the trueth because they are afraid to hear what they are consuming and what not, However I do respect everyones decision on this matter and would hate to cause a fight over this ^-^ So do what you will, delete it or close it.
Lastly I will leave you witht this interesting fact: The life expectancy in Lebanon is 100 that is a three digit number and it is not considered uncommon to live to that age, hwoever in Norht/South America the life expectancy is 80, thats 30 years gone from you rlife all related to the chemcals and preservatives in food. I never was referring to drugs such as cigeretts and ecstasy I was talking about everyday drugs.
lol! i see your point kitori... ^^ well it's a little hard these days, in our "civilised" world to not eat chemical food...

and the "Sadly this attitude is what keeps people from the trueth because they are afraid to hear what they are consuming and what not" is maybe a little out of place here... i don't think many people here are afraid of being told what they are eating (well i'm not at least... i'm well aware i eat some pretty junky food sometimes)
It is all about choices... I recently (back in August of 2004) went on the South Beach diet. On this diet, you prepare almost all of your food from fresh ingredients. I lost a ton (well, not a ton, but I'm 50 lbs light than I was) almost immediately. If you're buying a lot of prepackaged preprocessed food, naturally, it isn't going to be as good for you as a salad!

I say let the thread stay... it is in the Non-anime|misc section...

good for youLarry on both points
losin wieght and free speach

wavs a little flag around
well it´s also known that passive smoking is more dangerous than smoking by oneself (since the person next to you gets it all unfiltered while you have one) also light cigarettes are in fact stronger than normal ones...

for me, i hate prepacked food...i cook myself whenever i have time^^

in most food such as sweets, microwave food etc...you dont want to know what´s inside...(i once read an article about it...forgot most of it though...)
Congrats to you Keiichi ^-^ ! I wish I could drop weight like that! ^-^ Well Im glad there is a bit of a turn around in the forum I had the impression that everyone wanted to shut it down right away ^-^ and it really did seem like a sin if no one could contribute. However its not necissarly about not eating pre-pakaged food because lets face it, this world is about progress and conveniance and I rather eat some chemically presservewd food then starve in a classroom. That is under certain circumstances ^-^
it's interesting that you put this thread up now Kitori, in the UK we just had a food scare alert, apparently a batch of contaminated food dyes got into the food chain and many products were withdrawn from shops. the problem should be contained now i think. but it further adds to the UK peoples paranoia about their food, some take it to extremes and give up some foods all together whereas some take diet advice too seriously and end up doing more harm than good to their health.
Tell me about it, here a lot of people are becoming obeise from over eating because so many foods that are supposed to be èlow in fatèéèkightè contin addictive chemicals to make you want to eat more. Now every time i turn the TV on its all lose *weight! FAST!* So many gimics and terrible acting drives me crazy. However they did give some important peices of info such as 2 out of 3 americans (canada too) are over weight and 5 out of 6 americans are out of shape. Someone who is interesting to look up is Grahm Trudeau. He is tyhe one trying to expose drug industries (chemical foods ect) but the government keeps trying to keep his mouth shut because they will lose money. Sad how greedy our world is to the point they even put our health at risk. Please tell me your point of views on this it will also help me alot because of an artivcle im writting :)
Personally i believe people should take more responsiblilty for what they eat and not blame it on the food. i mean come on use common sense1 it doesnt matter if its "low fat" ice-cream, ice-cream is icecream! its a sweet! you will gain some weight wether its large or small!
Haha interesting point but you forget thre addictive chemicals in it that should not be there in the first place ^-^ They are used so companies don't lose revinues and prophets. However you are right when it comes to fast food chains, if your going to eat fries that have been fried in lard obviously you will gain serious weight from it adn eat burgers that have been fried, re heated and full of the stuff you don't want to eat. Although you have to give them credit they do try to give you healthier choices like salads (provided you don't use the dressing that is). Ah wel lifes not perfect its about balance must be a little yang and ying ^-^