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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 22:29
Belldandy Gift

Saddest anime scene ever...

Topics Manga & Anime Saddest anime scene ever...
Since I can't start polls, I figured I'd ask your opinions here. I've got a few that always get me...

Roy Fokker's death from Robotech...
The bakery owner's story about his wife in Chobits...
Mahoro's "Death" from Mahoromatic...
Ryoko's "Death" from Tenchi Universe...
When Chiyo-chan turns and bows to the school in Azumanga Daioh...

Anyone else got any good ones?
Naruto -> Death of the third Hokage
Neji dying

AIR -> Michiru going back towards the clouds.

Kenshin-> His death in the OVA.
Meroko saying goodbye to Mitsuki at the end of Full Moon wo Sagashite.
Fuko's flashback of her mother dying in I My Me Strawberry Eggs.
There are many more! i cant list them all! ;_; ;_;
im a very emotional person!
Saddest all-time anime moment: the death of the little sister in Grave of the Fireflies. The whole anime is so sad, it's hard to pick just one moment, but that has to be it. I don't know a person yet who hasn't cried over it.
WHAT!? the little sister dies in Grave of the Fireflies!?
oh no! how sad! ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_;
Not really sad, but probably one of the most touching scenes in Ah! My Goddess was in the manga, chapter 48 (The Forgotten Promise). It always get me.

The motor club goes on a retreat to an old resort, and there is a ghost there who thinks Keiichi is his grandfather. They find the bike K1's grandfather left there, because he had promised to give the ghost a ride on his bike around the lake, but she had died before he could keep the promise. So K1 fixes the bike, and gives her a ride around the lake, freeing her spirit. In the end, he leaves the bike, and Urd asks why. K1 explains that he isn't his grandfather, and that the promise hasn't really been kept... that's why the bike stays. It ends with a "voice over."

"It's still there you know. A Brough Superior in an old resort hotel by a lake. A bike, and a promise... waiting forever."

oh yeah! i loved that story!
i also heard there is a part in maybe a radio drama or CD where the ghost spirit is voiced by none other than Chieko Honda a very popular voice actress. I hear that the character is named after her as a form of homage to her.
Yeah... that one and "Sorrow, fear not," are my two all time favorite AMG chapters.

Well, and "You're so Bad." Something about seeing Skuld desperately trying to hate Keiichi all through the story, but find herself "loving" him despite her own efforts is just hillarious.

"You're so Bad" also marked a dramatic change in Skuld's character that a lot of people seem to ignore. Skuld became much more accepting of K1 and Bell's relationship after that. So much so, that she was even freaked out enough to quote Ghostbusters during the Sora Unchained story line (at least in the Dark Horse translation - they do take liberties sometimes).

"What??? Keiichi and Belldandy are having a race? That's just wrong! Dogs and Cats, living together! Total Chaos!"

I'd love to hear what other people consider their favorites... I'm gonna open a thread about this in the manga section... check it out!

:sheep: well to be honest the entire manga is my favourite! which techinically makes every arc my favourite!
Sorry to mislead with my last post!
Aw, come on... there've got to be chapters that jumped out just a bit more! I love them all too, but there are some chapters that just raise the bar :)

errrmmm well if you insist,...... thing is that i read the manga volume all in one go, so its hard for me to recall where one story arc ends and another begins, it's all one big amazing adventure to me!
Everyone knows me and my love for Onegai Teacher, so...
my most sad moments in anime would be:
*Warning SPOILERS* People who haven't yet watched Onegai Teacher yet, please look away!! @_@
Onegai Teacher episode 7 - Kaede and Hyosuke confession for their love. (So touching that part is) ;_;

Onegai Teacher episode 10 - Mizuho sees Kei about to kiss Koishi, then cries. Then at the beach, Kei chases after Mizuho. Mizuho says she hate him, then she says: "But... I love you..." (That part really hit the spot, so much emotion put in by Inoue Kikuko) ;_:

Onegai Teacher episode 11 - Mizuho with Kei in spacecraft (Marie-siel) reminisces her relationship with Kei and how they met; whilst 'Sora wa Kataranai' plays in the background (sung by Inoue Kikuko). [That part was also powerful) ;_;

Onegai Teacher - episode 11 - Mizuho uses the system to gain access to Kei's subconconscious mind. Kei remembers who she is and promises her that he'll come back. ;_;

If I had to choose the one most sad scene in Oneagi Teacher I think it would be episode 10 at the beach or episode 11 in the spacescraft. I can't choose between the two.... well may episode 11, because Inoue Kikuko sings Sora wa Kataranai.

I've many more sad moments in other anime series. It's just that Onegai Teacher is my fav and it's so so moving. ;_;
Magic Knight Rayearth
I nearly cried at the end of the first season when Emeroudo died. It was so painful. Every time they did a flashback to her death or Presea's death, it would nearly drive me to tears.
Possible spoilers for Mahoromatic

Ye have been warned

The end of the first series was very moving... Her carrying Suguru through the air as her tears fell on the town where they shared their peaceful, but destined to be brief, life, was very powerful. Even more powerful due to the "Mahoro stops functioning in..."

For the "Something More Beautiful" series, a ghostly Mahoro hugging the earth and then fading away into stardust was a really touching scene as well. They somewhat ruined the series with the next episode, but that's Gainex for you. Of course, I have a theory about that last episode that mitigates the damage, but I still would have prefered them to leave it off. I get the impression that Gainex was worried people would accuse them of messing the series up as badly as they did NGE, and tried to spin a happy ending... I wish they hadn't. Life is sad sometimes, and without that last episode, the series would have been darn near perfect, not to mention a lot more powerful.

"somewhat ruined the series with the next episode" ... You're too kind, they mutilated the series with that last episode. As I've said elsewhere, the second last episode is where everyone should stop watching, it's the sad end we expect. The final show is as close to horrible as it could get. Rotten.