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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 22:32
Belldandy Gift

More Neon Genesis Evangelion??

Topics Manga & Anime More Neon Genesis Evangelion??
There seems to be rumors that, Director Hideaki Anno of evangelion, might make 4 more movies of evangelion (3 redone movies and the 4th a new movie for evangelion) Eva fans have been debating whether it will be a prequel, sequel, or a movie similar to Angelic Days (alternate reality manga series). Personally I want to have a sequel wondering what happened to Asuka and Shinji. To read about it: http://www.evamonkey.com/ (main website that I use look at the article half way entitled "New Evangelion Anime?") and the forms http://www.evamonkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1566&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0&sid=2b9fb7f72b87df947104bcd95973e130 (you have to see all the pages) [[[link seems to be broken go to forms page and go to Evangelion News the to More Eva topic.]]]

Do you think it should be done, 4 more movies of evangelion or is it a bad idea????
I'm all for it! ^_^
I doubt this will ever happen. Anno hated having to make end of eva itself, let alone making even more to the story. Now, with the live action movie i *hope* its coming along alright. But who knows, maybe it'll happen. If it does it might even be more deeper then the movies. Thats scary to think about :P
I think End of Evangelion made a perfect ending to the series, so I don't see a reason to make more. I am afraid that NGE will be used as a milking cow, like FFVII was used.
It has been confirmed by http://www.evamonkey.com/ that a project new will be made out of Evangelion, he says it will be a new story, not a continuation or a remake.