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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 07:44
Belldandy Gift

Ah! My Goddess Support Group

Topics Ah! My Goddess Ah! My Goddess Support Group
Are you or someone you Know a goddess addict?
if so please join the Goddess support group
we will not jude you for your beliefs and will do what we can to help
Remember we are here for you

Hello My name is Coolcole999 and I'm a goddess addict

*chorus from room* - hello Cole

I’ve read every volume, seen every OVA, and the movie and now wait every weak for the next episode, and I have not been addiction free for over a year
well we need to put Keiichi-K1 in here because he's such a addicit
I use to be addicted....but I been addicted free since last year.:P
count me in!!!:bg: Where's the membership form?


I'm Asgard(not real name) from the Philippines and my addiction started a year ago...when the OAV starts to air in here. After seeing the OAV, i'm now starting to find merchandises as much as i can...in the internet or in shops(it depends on my cash).:bg:
Hi, my name is Meli-chan, and... and I'm a goddess addict.

I've been addicted to AMG for going on five years now... at first it was just watching all the OVAs and the movie... then it was art, and manga, and collecting all the toys... and before I knew it I was dressing up as Belldandy at public functions! I even got my friend (who is a lingerie model) to dress up as Mara at a con last weekend (pictures coming soon). Is there any help for me, or am I too far gone?
hello! my name is Morphee and i'm a goddess adict! ^^
i've been an adict ever since i read the first page of the first volume of the manga... and that was about 4 or 5 years ago... :bg:
i suppose i have no need for introductions (hehe im so modest! :bg: )
i am Keiichi-K1 and im a 100% Ah! My Goddess addict and i have no intention of giving up!
Once again, I love Belldandy! :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

count me in!
My name is cole and I've been a goddess addict for over a year

ok and welcome everyone
now that we are all here and done some introductions (more to come I hope) lets get the meeting under way

now understand people this is not a normal support group for a couple of reasons
#1 I don't think anyone here has any intentions of ever getting "better"
#2 We are not here to help you get "better"
#3 this is a forum in a web shrine, not a convention center

so let us continue
Hello. My name is Tails and I'm an Ah! My Goddess addict.

When the fansubs were stopped by Solar, I started feeling withdraw symptoms. I was actually shaking ing anger and broke a Broomstick in half without meaning to do so. That was all before I found out that other groups were still doing them.....

Yup I'd say I'm addicted.....:sheep:
Hello my name is Cole and I'm a Goddess addict

Good everyone the First step is admitting...
I too was sent into despair when the news of licensing was made
I would like to send my thanks to Animeone for their continued subbing and to all those trackers that still host the torrent
thank you
The Goddess addict support Group

so group what was you first Goddess media?
my first contact with Ah! My Goddess was through the OVA DVD, in fact i only bought under a year ago! but since then i got the movie, all the mangas, CDs etc . and now ME LOVE BELLDANDY! :love:
I first came across it on the net. It had so many good reviews so I got curious and download episode 1 of the OVA on Kazaa. I loved the show and got hooked since. I now have every show that's possible to get and the Movie.

I also have the Skuld Bug game I downloaded from the Goddess Project.

I'm still not very open about the show to my family and I don't get pocket money.... So I'm limited to what I can get.

Only my Brother truely knows about it. My Mum and Sister only know of it's name and Keiichi and Belldandy. My Brother said he well be on the lookout for the TV Series DVDs.:)

Well I'm not in love with Belldandy but I think she's someone I would really like to be friends with. She's one of the nicest people I know and talks about completely different things from everyone else and it's just about impossible to get into an arguement with her. She makes you happy just listening to her and seeing her happy.:) I think that's one of the things that keeps me hooked on the show.
who knows, Tails maybe one day Ah! My Goddess will change the way think about finding a partner in the future! :)
well My first Media was the manga in digital format
I shall tell you the tale...
Friend: Hey cole you should read Manga and watch Anime
Cole: You mean that Jap crap? like pokemon or DBZ?
Friend: No alot of it is really good..
Cole: fine whatever...
-three days later-
Cole: so has any one read Ah my Goddess?
Friends: I think I've seen the movie
Cole: There is a movie!!!!
_two days later-
Cole: has any one seen the movie?
i'm glad you changed for the better and saw the error of ur ways coolcole999! :bg: (imagine that, you used to call anime "jap crap", to me that is traitor talk! lol)
anyway, youre one of us now coolcole! me glad u joined!