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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 20:19
Belldandy Gift


Anyone watched it yet?

This anime is pretty good. Awesome animation which brings out certain emotions of the story quite well. Story is interesting and mysterious too lol.

Not sure if it should be put under romance, because the love is so very subtle ^_^
yes Kanon is an excellent anime..I cried a bunch in that anime >_< but watch Kanon 2006 also...it's the newest version
Lots of websites placed it under Drama, Fantasy, Harem, and Romance.

I'll watch the anime and see how it goes, so I can see where I would place it under.

... YouTube is missing episode 13 part 2. hope someone will upload it before I get to the last episode.

Edit: it seems that the first few episode is about he meeting with different girls.
At episode 10, it became dramatic, if you've seen the episode, you would know.

The episodes seems to jump from one girl to another and the genre seems to jump also from romance to drama.
The only think that doesn't jump around is the occasional fantasy and dreams that involves the main character, Yuuichi.

It seems that at the end-
Mai went abroad.
Shaori's disease has been decreased.
Maotoko is still around and watching Yuuichi.
Nayuki lets Aya win because of Aya and Yuuichi's true love.
Aya has recovered from her 7 years coma.

From watching the series, it seems that this would be placed in Romance and Drama.

Final plot that I think this anime is about...
Yuuichi's dreams and memories about the girls and what had happened 7 years ago.


I started to watch the Kanon 2006 and it seems like they improved the art style and coloring.
I think I'll like the new Kanon.


Even though I already know what was going to happen to Makoto...
But the Makoto arc in the Kanon 2006 is extremely long and super sad.
Yet while it is sad, it is romantically beautiful.


I am only on episode 11, but it all ready surpass my expectations from when I was watching Kanon 2002.

Looks like all the girl's arc has been extended with extra story about their past.


episode 15 was so beautiful... almost made me tear.

episode 20 = truth revealed or is it?
i'm not sure if i like this series or not...it's ok...but i fails to really capture my attention...
It's a very "slice-of-life" kind of anime, and a lot of people never really warmed up to that kind of anime. It takes some getting used to, I'll admit.

I've never seen the full series. I remember starting with the '02 version, but then I sort of "drifted to greener pastures".
Like Air - which is in the same animation style - Kanon started as a Dating sim, and later grew into the two anime series. It has loads of drama although also lot's of small funny bits.

I think it's probably worth the watch, although it might be best to consider it an "in between" anime; something to watch when you're sick of action-orientated anime series.

At least you'll know it'll be something nice to look at.
Kanon 2006 ended.
Episode 24, it's a really good ending, the ending arc is changed a bit but it's very good and stayed on the main plot.

There are many differences between Kanon 2002 and Kanon 2006.
2002 is 13 episodes.
2006 is 24 episodes.
2006 has longer character arcs and new animations.
2006 changed a bit in the parts like where the place Yuuichi and Ayu bury is changed to another location, there are also many other changed similar to this one.
ADV has the english version & the animation.......well everything about that series is amazing. I havent seen the Kanon that came out in 02. But the 06 Kanon is absolutly beautiful. The opening theme is beautiful.

question does anyone know where I can get the lyrics for Kanon 06 at???????The opening is on youtube.com