Nah, it isn't that long, but it's damn cold when you don't have a warm jacket on, like me.
I don't normally walk home from school, although I have ended up walking about two and a half miles because my mom forgot to pic me up.
When it has really snowed and then frozen, it's usually not really advisible to ride your bike then, although I still do that sometimes.
I don't know why, but I do know that they split up in 1996 and that some of the former members formed a new group called 'The Remains'. :) Funny fact, I think.
Frenchfries taste better twice fried because the first time you put them in as simple, sliced patatoes and they aren't softened enough in the inside and hardend enough on the outside to really taste good.
The number of bumblebees in a colony can be different from 30 to 400 bees, depending on the type of bumblebee.
I have done both, loved it immensly but became rather upset at my partner in the canoe because she didn't help me when we were coming up a stream current. Plus I had to carry along a canoe that was about to sink, which we baptised Joske, while trying to stear.
I actually have no idea about that, and thought that it didn't really disintegrate because it's made out of a whole bunch of chemical stuff. I thought it kinda remained for quite a long time.
And thanks a bunch. :bg:
BTW.... welcome back!