I call it "I have a monster crush on you" I hope it is not crapy and stuff. There also is a why I wrote it, but I dont want to talk about it, but my profile tells little about it except for anything about the poem. It is heartbreaking to me
I have a monster crush on you,
Yet I’m too shy to tell you that I love you.
Everyday I think of you, day and night.
I try to call you to hear your sweet soft voice,
But I’m too nervous to talk to you.
We pass by each other everyday at school,
Yet I don’t know why I won’t talk to you.
When I see you, you make my world shine.
You are the light of my life, my inspiration.
I don’t expect you soon to love me,
Nor are my own feelings clear.
There is nothing more I want than you, And to love you with all my heart.