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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 17:15
Belldandy Gift


Topics Misc concerts
lol you think you should kno
lets see live performance
I have seen the Moody Blues in concert twice
I have been two bout a dozen varies Orchestral performances by the Phoenix Symphony
1 Chicago symphony (asleep inside 20 sec of lights out I swear)
Have the Stones "live Liks" tour on DVD

Plus need to see a live performance before semester is over for my Humanities course

Over all I am worried about the continued viabillity of "classiacl" music: First, it seems to all become for to forulaic in approuch. Second, there seems to be nothing trully invigrating in the genra. Third, it poots me to sleep like none other, I mean straight out sleep, like Urd and Enkel music.... bonc ZZZZZZZZZZZZ
man moody blues would have been cool.

Ive been to a few concerts myself
Ive seen Tori Amos about 6 times.
Radiohead Twice
I saw The Cure twice
Siouxsie 3 times
Plaid and Squarepusher once
I saw the Los Angeles philiharmonic orchestra perform some JS Bach songs
I saw Madame Butterfly once too... was incredible
Ive been to a few festivals with multiple bands before as well

I almost got to see Page and Plant once...

Music is everything to me though so if I have a chance to go, im there
YAAAYY!!! Avril and Simple Plan are going in here this end of March!:bounce: But i cant go coz it is too far(the location is in Taguig, Metro Manila) and tickets are wayyyy too expensive.:P
I went to see Velvet Revolver, My first Concent... I saw SLASHHH !!! The Guitar God.. Something I'll never forget !
And two months ago I went to the GIGANTOUR, I saw Megadeth, Overkill, Opeth, Arch Enemy, Lamb of God, Vanctity, Into Eternity, and the Smashup..
I meet DAVE MUSTAINE =D .. And the other guys in Megadeth.. Can't describe it.. They only thing I can say is that is was awesome !!!

Two of the happiest days of my life =D