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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 04:29
Belldandy Gift

What is your preferred computer brand?

Topics Science & Tech What is your preferred computer brand?
I have tried a large range of computers, from buisiness machines to gaming machines, and everything in between. I used to have an IBM Pentium III machine; it was a very durable and reliable system. I had used that from 2000-2008, until I got the current machine; a Dell XPS system. I went with Dell for a few reasons. 1) They have pro machines. 2) Dell has excellent customer support. And 3) the components Dell uses are of superior quality to other companies. My friends have had Dell machines running for 8 years and are still fine, with a few upgrades.
So far the computer I have now has been my favorite, because I built it myself:E My old computer's graphics card died on me, but most of the components were outdated enough that trying to upgrade would be useless (AGP slot only, only room for 1 gig of RAM, etc.), so I built my whole system from scratch. I like having total control over the components, and the work I put into it makes it truly feel like a personal computer. I take much better care of it, and I set it up so that it will still be able to upgrade several years down the line, which was the main problem with my old prebuilt: the parts it contained were the most it handle.
I've never bought a branded pc i've always built them my self since its cheaper =O

though of the ones ive seen "Tiny" were the worst as they put a mini motherboard in a full tower case =s
Dell seem best as my college has around 2000 of them =p
Preferred brand hmmmm i dunno never bought a PC from a ....

i built my :>

so it simple i think i preferrer my brand :D
I also do not buy branded pc's because I don't have any control over the quality of components and how it is build. And you have way more choice in case design if you build it yourself.
But for laptops I like dell the most I whish I could buy one of there XPS M1730 :E
I concur...that is why Alienware, Voodoo and Dell are the best you can go with. With customized components, I think things can get a little expensive. I am very price-minded: for the same statistics on my Dell computer (Core 2 Quad 2.4 GHz, 3 GB 800 MHz RAM, etc), I would have had to pay around 4000 dollars. Instead, I only paid a forth of that. I designed my machine for price, and mostly for multimedia. I'm not a heavy gamer, so I don't require so much power:)
prefer hp for brand name. so bought a hp laptop..... be too expensive to custom build one to my specs (as for what i know about laptop parts and where i know to get them). my desktop i built on my own because i didn't have enough money at time to get a pre built system to my specs and didn't want to settle for less. will make my own computers in the future because its the cheapest.

and as for monitors i like Samsung .
It was the opposite for me. I tried configuring a build similar to mine on Dell's site, but the price estimates were $1,000-$1500 higher. I couldn't get an exact replica, since Dell only allows for certain configurations, but pretty close. Little things like going from 2 gigs of RAM to 4 added $200, where as getting a 4 sticks of 1GB RAM cost me $150 all told. I know that RAM isn't going to make huge differences now, I was looking at down the line. Plus, most prebuilts I've dealt with offer little to no room for expandability, requiring replacement of a bunch of different parts to get the benefit of a upgrading a single component. My build is designed to be easily expandable, and the core system should last me a long time. Only thin I'll likely need to upgrade in a few years is the video card, and some extra hard drive space.

I also find PSUs in prebuilts rather lacking, but I'd rather not get into everything.:p
i had a local PC shop build me mine its a custom pc 4gig hard drive intel D i have 2 invida 8800 video cards (SLI) 2gigs of ram and i love the fact its all upgradeable i got mine built for $1.700 i was going to go with ailenwear but the same pc form them was at $2.500+ so you really do buy the name lol.
haha my country is stupid why

i paid 7000 PLN almost for my PC whit Display now try to change it to $ and you will see how much i over payed argh ..........................
woah, I'm not really that into it then any one of you guys..
but all I know is that I come with a custom assembled PC
it's been here for 5 years.. haha.
its unbranded, It's an intel PIII, 800Mhz, 512 RAM.. 64 video.. 2 40g HD..
that's it.. hahaha..
I'm savin up to buy a either the core D or AMD's hottest line >:) hehehe
It's nice hearing about what kind of machines everyone else has! AS for saving, I recommend building a machine from stratch, or else go with Intel machines: AMD machines are the 'budget' line of processors. They are decent (I have an HP laptop), but Intel processors perform better:)
I prefer an HP. I have a HP laptop & HP desktop.
QuoteOriginally posted by Goku_B (view)
I prefer an HP. I have a HP laptop & HP desktop.

yeah, i like the HP desktop my friend had. just forgot the model..
It was compact which is what I liked about it, it looks cute and easy to carry around when needed.