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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 09:35
Belldandy Gift

So what attracted the goddesses' father to Hild, anyway?

Topics Ah! My Goddess So what attracted the goddesses' father to Hild, anyway?
Here's an interesting question that' been bugging me. We know Urd is half divine and half demon. We know that her mother is Hild, the Daimakaicho, and that her father is a god who -judging by the things Hild says about him- has personality traits similar to Belldandy's. Now the question that's been bugging me is this: what exactly attracted Belldandy and Urd's father to Hild? I can take some guesses as to why Hild might have been attracted to him (and can elaborate on them if people wish), but I'm a little unsure what he would have seen in her. Anyone got any ideas on that?
Maybe she was attracted by his personality (and get separated because of job)
Maybe he saw a kind, caring part of her
Problem is, the person only person who Hild seems to truly show kindness and caring towards is Urd, and she wasn't around yet when her parents first met (for obvious reasons :) ). I suppose Urd and Bell's father (can I just call him 'the anonymous god' for now?) could have picked up on the potential for such feelings long before they manifested themselves, but that seems like a bit of a stretch, even for someone with Belldandy level ability to read people's feelings.

I suppose another possibility is that she has a love for the people she rules, but if she does, it doesn't come through very clearly. Personally, I tend to view her as being the type who enjoys power politics and who has the position she does because she's very good at them. Which is probably to some degree why I ended up with the question of why the anonymous god would be attracted to her in the first place.

As for what MK1 said -sorry dude, but I think you misread the question. I was thinking more of what would have attracted Belldandy and Skuld's father to Hild, not the other way around. I've already got ideas on how that one worked. (Although I should admit they owe a lot to someone else's analysis.)
i think Hild is nice ok?? I would say that God felt in love with her...i mean she's nice and he's nice..so...they were caught by love and things happens..then you know the story...then comes Belldandy and Urd(the best woman in the serie...that is why my avatar is from her page) But you question is interesting because make people think a little about Hild's past
Avinash and I ended up having a more in depth discussion about this on the Sake, Bugs, and Angels forum (I hope no one's offended that I posted about this there too. I'd just wanted to widen the net to increase my chances of getting a response.). He felt that Hild has a kind side and has limits to how much she's willing to hurt others. I agree to a degree, but feel that Hild's ruthlessness is a pretty big thing even now, and was probably even more pronounced before Urd came along (since Urd is the main thing we've seen counterbalance Hild's ruthlessness. It's questionable whether her affectionate behaviour towards other characters is genuine. I've personally thought it could be part of an act to keep those around her off balance.).

Of course, that assumes that Hild's position is not a hereditary thing, and that its something one has to be ruthless in order to obtain and keep, an assumption I was kind of operating under when I was discussing this earlier. Recently however it has occured to me that in some ways, events might actually make more sense if Hild's position WAS hereditary, as that might allow for a kinder interpretation of her character. On the other hand though, I'm not really that fond of interpreting Hild as someone who's really nice, but bound to act ruthless on account of the position she was born to. Seems kind of wishy-washy somehow, and that's not really something I tend to associate with Hild.

Anyone got thoughts on that?
Well, I think...
It's because, before god become god, he is an angel, like others.
But he is chosen to become god, and he choose become god rather than live with hild.
[which this makes hild angry and become kaimadaicho].

well.. you know, it's just what I think [too much read love novel :grin:]
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the bit about the Almighty being the goddesses' father something that was added in translation? As far as I know the Japanese material never refers to him as such, which makes it questionable whether he's supposed to be. He has been somewhat lenient with them on occassion, but on the other hand their relations with him still seem to be rather businesslike.

I kind of question whether Hild would try to become the Daimakaicho out of spite. If power struggles in Hell are really ruthless, such a measure could endanger her daughter, and it seems to me that Hild cares a lot about Urd. (Now if she was already the Daimakaicho, that would be another matter -she might be quite unwilling to give up her position despite Urd potentially being in danger because of it.)

That being said, the general idea could be adapted a bit. Say if Hild ended up having to give up Urd because of Urd being one of the Norns, she could have set her sights on becoming the Daimakaicho as a way of filling a void. (Or, if the decision that she had to give up her daughter was forced on her from above, she might have thought of it as a possible way to get her daughter back.)

(Interesting thought: maybe she was a bit like Marller once, but then had and lost Urd and became a lot more serious about rising in the ranks as a result. Of course, this also raises the questions of whether a lower ranking ranking demoness would have much contact with gods -we know Urd was friends with Marller while younger, but to adult gods and demons have much contact?)

One big issue with that one though is that I kind of get the feeling Hild is supposed to be pretty secure in her position. She doesn't exactly strike you as a ill-established recently-installed surper, does she?
I feel that Hild has held her position for sometime, perhaps the fact that the relationship between Hild and the girls father would be viewed as "forbidden love" mite have added a bit of intrigue(sp) to spark the relationship. But perhaps it was nothing but a failed attempt from the start, even though they had a child together i can't help but feel they mite have known that it would someday come to what it did.
It also can be something like (in magnetism) :
Different poles get attracted

And I cant think something more different than "Hild and the goddesses' father" , so, maybe the attraction was natural:p
Love is such that it transcends normal conceptions of good and evil. Good as well as bad can come of love. Furthermore, you can't control who you fall in love with. So it is very possible that Hild fell in love with a god, which would happen even if she did not consciously want to, and that love allowed her to develop a kind and caring side that is not manifested in normal situations. So she can still care about Urd because of her maternal instincts born out of love but still be in nature a demon.
tsukikage: My question was what attracted the Goddesses' father to Hild, not the other way around. And even if you can't control who you love... well, it still seems to me that there are likely things people with certain personality traits are attracted too. Ruthlessness and a liking for power struggles doesn't tend to strike me as something someone with a personality similar to Belldandy's would tend to find attractive. But if your explanation works for you... go with it. Unlike me, you won't have to worry about whether you'll ever be able to find a satisfactory answer to this question!

MK1: While people with rather diverse personalities can get along well, I personally have a bit of trouble with using that explanation for this situation. Hild could have been attracted to traits the Goddesses' father had, but I have trouble seeming him being attracted to her ruthlessness. It would likely make him want to keep his distance, don't you think?

SerenityMoon: I don't think Hild and the goddesses' father foresaw how things would end right from the beggining of their relationship. It seems quite possible to me that neither thought the relationship would get very far though. Personally, I suspect Urd may have been an unplanned accident.
To tell you the truth, I never really though about this. It did cross my mind when Urd said she is half demon and half goddess. We all know it can't be possible for their (the goddesses) father to be attracted to her destructive side. So I'm guessing, underneath the cruel, harsh Hild is a suppressed Hild which is kind and considerate that no one knows about. I believe she will only this side of her to their father and no one else. This is what I believe. I would be quite skeptical if their father felling love with the demonic part of her.