Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the bit about the Almighty being the goddesses' father something that was added in translation? As far as I know the Japanese material never refers to him as such, which makes it questionable whether he's supposed to be. He has been somewhat lenient with them on occassion, but on the other hand their relations with him still seem to be rather businesslike.
I kind of question whether Hild would try to become the Daimakaicho out of spite. If power struggles in Hell are really ruthless, such a measure could endanger her daughter, and it seems to me that Hild cares a lot about Urd. (Now if she was already the Daimakaicho, that would be another matter -she might be quite unwilling to give up her position despite Urd potentially being in danger because of it.)
That being said, the general idea could be adapted a bit. Say if Hild ended up having to give up Urd because of Urd being one of the Norns, she could have set her sights on becoming the Daimakaicho as a way of filling a void. (Or, if the decision that she had to give up her daughter was forced on her from above, she might have thought of it as a possible way to get her daughter back.)
(Interesting thought: maybe she was a bit like Marller once, but then had and lost Urd and became a lot more serious about rising in the ranks as a result. Of course, this also raises the questions of whether a lower ranking ranking demoness would have much contact with gods -we know Urd was friends with Marller while younger, but to adult gods and demons have much contact?)
One big issue with that one though is that I kind of get the feeling Hild is supposed to be pretty secure in her position. She doesn't exactly strike you as a ill-established recently-installed surper, does she?