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Tue, 18 Mar 2025 05:19
Belldandy Gift

Could Belldandy be like Persocom to us guys?

Topics Ah! My Goddess Could Belldandy be like Persocom to us guys?
Anyone who has seen Chobits would know this...Guys love their persocoms more than real girls and soon persocoms were everywhere....

I wonder if some of us would love belldandy or any other charcters so much that they lose interest in real girls??? Im not saying that belldandy cant be real!!! I believe she is!!! real and everything...(I cant say that she's not real like us because I never seen her before and therefore I cant say that she's just an anime character "only")...so what you guys think???
Well as a girl, if Keiichi was a persocom who submitted to me, I would be pretty bored, pretty fast, so I think the real thing is better. People are more unpredictable and thats what makes us so much fun ^-^ where as a personcom is preprogrammed and can't go against its code. Thats my opinion, I am interested to know what the guys would think. That is a really good question Peng!
Yeah I asked this question because ..Im getting this feeling alot.....whether I should love a girl or an animated girl that could be real in my future life....."so im pretty lost here"... so this is something that comes from my feelings..... "Im lost"


Animated girls are sooo beautiful!!!!! and real girls as well...

Arigatou Kitori...
That's ok, I am not insulted ^-^ Your a typical male, what can I say but forgive and forget. However keep in mind, anime girls are drawings, they are the perceptions of artists of ideal beauty, not true beauty. Everyone is beautiful in their own way ^_^ As they say, love is blind. For now, take what comes, if it is anime girls that interest you, you might as well ride it out ^_^ and see what you like best in the end!
Yep...Yep...Yep..... I have exactly the same feeling as you P.Lee...... I feel that the only person I fancy & love is Belldandy... Everybody in this school thinks I'm wierd......- -||||||

But....I don't want to change my mind...at least now....because I believe Belldandy is real in my heart... Sounds like a serious problem to others but I don't care.... It doesn't matter whether Belldandy is a persocom or real......

Maybe I need to see the psycho doctor....= =||
it's ok RAL....I want to know everyones feeling about this......

Yeah people do see you as a wierd guy...but I havent told it to people at my school...lolol
just to make things clear, i think P Lee meant "persocom" as a metaphor, he didnt actually mean Belldandy should be a persocom, rather that its a similar thing as with Hideki and Chobits.

i think everyone here already knows that i love Belldandy, i believe she is out there (i wish she would come to me soon though! ^^').

im probably the oldest guy here on this thread, and i can truly say with all my heart that i love Belldandy.

if ppl say to me: "she's just an anime character!"
i say "talk to the hand, cos the heads not listening!" LOL
Okay...here's my view on this. While an anime character can be as complex and intriguing as a real person...waiting around for that special anime char to show up isn't really the best way to live. I'm not saying that you shouldn't at least hope there is someone like that special character out there for you; I have found myself doing the same thing.
I just mean that, while you can hope and wait, you should still open up for the 'real' girls who may not be that special someone. You never know when you grow to like or love them.
It's not exactly normal, but very reoccuring that otaku's like us fall deeply for our favorite anime character. It's not entirely healthy, but as long as you don't go in obsessive mode about it, it's not really a problem.
That's how I think about it, really. - :love:
Ok Yuka...I see.....but there are some people that would go the obsessive mode about it....
True, personaly I thinkl its kinda normal, its like when you were 13/15 and you fell in love with your favorite singer and collected figurine, or magazines, anything about that star you could get to feel closer. Than after a while you found a person of your own to be with ^-^ So the craze fell. Thats what I see 'anime obsession over characters' as. Almost like a phaze ^-^ Its kinda like a window thast lets you explore your feelings and just how deep your willing to fall before you cotrole yourself and pull up, but that only comes when your ready. Thats rpetty much what it was like for me ^-^
besides, even if i do find a real girl i love, there's always cosplay!!! LOL
cosplay!! lol!! yeah...... ^_^......
haha! The best part is people actually do that! I see them on the strreet fairly often. Its kinda cute, but kinda weird you know. They look so out of place. Most peolple think its a weird fashion, but I recognise those outfits, I am pretty sure the one I saw was from Chobits.
i would LOVE to have a belldandy cosplay outfit!!! i have the brownish blondish hair and blue eyes (i'm just not as pretty). Of course all anime girls are pretty, who would want to have an ugly character? Lemme ask though, is it more belldandy's looks or her personality that you like most. She is beautiful but she is also kind and sensitive and caring. There really are girls out there like that but they might not be your big (fake) chested bleach blond fake makup face "pretty" girl. once you get to know someone they become more beautiful in your eyes than anyone you could ever imagine! believe me my boyfriend is a total dork (like me!) but he is the hottest, handsomest guy out there! i don't even pay attention to how other guys look anymore
Yeah..I agreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... ^_^