I am not sure how many here watch Inu Yasha, but i absalutely love the show ^-^ Howver I find his love life to be interesting a complicated, he seems to be trapped between Kagome and Kikiyo. Who do you think Inuyasha should go with?
Kikiyo I find is very dispiteful and upset. This may be due to being brought back to her life, it doesn't seem as if she was fully restored because she has become a much darker woman then she once was.
Kagome is a funyn character, she starts out really nice, but into the show she developes mood swings. This of coarse, may be due to th conflicts of her inner feeligns for Inuyasha, and she feels that she des not belong in his world.
Inuyasha is hard headed and runs into battle rechlessly. He pretends to be tough, but deep down, we all know how sensative he is ^-^ However even deep within the series its unclear who his heart belongs to, even to him. When he's around kikiyo he goes into boy friend moad and melts like icecream. When he's around Kagome he acts pretty normal, unless Kagome falls into danger. Then we see that he is afraid to lose her.
If anyone does know who Inuyasha ends up with, please no spoilers ^-^