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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 09:12
Belldandy Gift

referring to episode 21 and 22

Topics Ah! My Goddess referring to episode 21 and 22
The ones to blame are people like us who download to watch and then upload the series to everyone. We shoot ourselves in the foot. *bang (gun shot)*
I just hope that they still decide to keep on with more seasons!
First of all: ouch. Secondly: Though episodes are available for download here, they are restricted to premium members to prevent flagrant piracy. They can obviously get them from other sources like MiniNova or several other such sites, but I think things are fairly secure here. Not all who download the episodes leave it at that, as there are some such as myself that plan on buying the DVDs as soon as we can. Even so, such practices limit early sales of the DVDs, so even then I am somewhat hurting a show I love. However, there is little point in lamenting such facts now. The best we can do at this point is to give as much support to this season and the next one as best we can.
ok that is true, but that also helps for more people to know the series, but no much of that people make something to support the series, so maybe it isnt good

I have to do some "sacifices" but Im buying the dvds, its the best I can do to support the series (and I really like them)
I also would like to point out that it is not easy to get a fair deal with the DVD series. Take me for instance, i'm in the UK so it won't be avalible. Silly isn't it.

Another problem is that some companies fail to realise that on-demand TV is nigh!

But still, it is sad that they have ended a little earlier than before. I hope i can "pick up" my episodes soon. But i have got persnol problems to deal with first.

UPDATE: I wonder if there could be blackmail over the poor sales?
I think that downloading the episodes isn´t a bad thing.
We wouldn´t have the oportunity to even know the series, if there wasn´t fansubs.
But I too think that supporting the series that I like is the best way.
So, it isn´t a question of hating fansubs. Neither a question of only buying DVDs.

I think that people who support the shows they like is the best way to make it continue.
Even though the DVDs can be expensive, buying them with or without sacrifice is a nice way to
protect what you like.

It is indeed silly the way the companies act nowadays, dynamo. But what can anyone do about that?
I hope the series continues, and I hope all fans do all they can to make the series continue.
Sigh I really hope this series will go on. Downloading to watch it shouldnt be a problem because without downloading it I wont even be aware of the existence of such an anime!

Now that I am a fan of this anime, I will try my best to purchase its DVD, I hope the effort of this 1 person could work T_T
QuoteOriginally posted by HollyBell (view)
I think that downloading the episodes isn´t a bad thing.
We wouldn´t have the oportunity to even know the series, if there wasn´t fansubs.
But I too think that supporting the series that I like is the best way.
So, it isn´t a question of hating fansubs. Neither a question of only buying DVDs.

I think that people who support the shows they like is the best way to make it continue.
Even though the DVDs can be expensive, buying them with or without sacrifice is a nice way to
protect what you like.

It is indeed silly the way the companies act nowadays, dynamo. But what can anyone do about that?
I hope the series continues, and I hope all fans do all they can to make the series continue.

You have said a lot of things i would have said.

The only thing we can do is to do what we think is best for the commuinty on a whole. To follow our heart, is to hear what we really want.
In my opinion, the best way we can show we don't want this series to end up in the trashcan is to buy the DVD releases and support the A!MG community. I am planning on buying all the DVD's anyway, season 1 included. It might sound weird but if everyone here buys one or two DVD's it truly makes a difference.
i will buy the dvds since i want to add them to my season 1 dvds =p im going to get all the manga as well ......... just need money 0.o
Yea I think if everyone supports by buying DVD maybe we can make a difference. Although I heard that it is only sales in Japan that matters. I am going to buy all the DVDs I can buy XD
That is an unfortante fact, sales only count on the host nation. All other sales are secondary.

In my opion that needs to change, since global trading is starting to take effect.
Maby we could do a petition and get loads of people to sign it ^_^ or we could go and to the studo were they produce AMG and chain ourselfs to the building =O
Haha yeah that'd be a good idea. Protest by hanging ourselves upside down, telling them to confirm making that third season, then we'll leave. =P
Haha obsession... we just need to buy all the DVDs and clear the stock @_@
I saw Episodes 20 and 21 through YouTube, but unfortunatly they're only in Chinese Subtitle for now. Episode 21 seems quite interesting but the ending seems confusing. Of course, I don't completly know what's going on until I get to watch the subtitled version. Call me crazy, but Hild in a school uniform, she looks awfuly cute! And I like her adjusted hairstyle. Hell i'd fall head over heels for her!