thats amazing F. Angel ^-^ I one time had a frightning dream like that too. Me and my sisters where in the back seat of our car, and as we were crossing the itnersection the door flew open and my sister fell out. I woke up scared from it, that week I made sure that my sisters had their seatbelt on, but one day my younger sister felt itchy from her seat belt and she took it off, and ans as we approached an itnersection the door had a glitch in it, and it flew open sending my sister outside. She was ok, she only had some bruises but it was so scary that the dream came true! I wish I had been more responsable. But its neat ^-^ I do believe that angels try to send us messages in our dreams ^-^
If i could be an angel I too would like to be a gaudrian and shelter those I love and care for under my wings ^-^