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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 11:43
Belldandy Gift


thats a miracle...:D
I love how in AMG the goddesses have their Angels ^-^ I think that is a unique way of portraying angels and goddesses. I wonder though, if Bell would nearly be as powerful as she is without her angel to help her? I doubt it, she seems to have an inner strength however, I suspect she needs her angel to help her, especially since Holy Bell is a part of her.
I think their strength kind of supplements eachother. They'll never be whole without the other, will feel like their heart is torned out. It must feel like losing yourself.

In the end of the manga, with the whole Rind-adventure, they give some more information about the Angel/Goddesses thing. The Goddesses are too grieved and crushed to do anything anymore without their angels.
saved by an angel? hmm... nah i don't think that ever hapened to me... my life is too normal... nobody needs to save me. lol! (i'm my own angel!!!! :p nah just kidding)
Thats a neet way to put it, why not Morphee ^-^ I think it would be so neat to be a re-encarnation of an angel ^-^ I wonder if thats possible? I think iits fun to dream about being an angel once and a while ^-^
If i can be reincarnated to an angel then...i want to be a guardian angel of the girl i like...at least you can help her even you are an angel...^_^
be reincarnated as an angel? yea that would be cool (yay i can fly!!!!! BAM! *didn't see the aproching ground*) you'd be able to help people and all... yea it would be fun (maybe i'll find my perfect match! :E)
i believe that theres someone or something out there looking out for me, maybe its a gardian angel or not who knows. but when i was in car crash i was sleeping at the time and a moment before the crash i saw in my dream a sort of warning kinda like when you get an extremely bad feeling, but i tend to find i can control my dreams to an extent so i half shrugged it off then BAM the car hit a wall. although i was injured i because of the "warning" it wasn't as bad as it could have been.
thats amazing F. Angel ^-^ I one time had a frightning dream like that too. Me and my sisters where in the back seat of our car, and as we were crossing the itnersection the door flew open and my sister fell out. I woke up scared from it, that week I made sure that my sisters had their seatbelt on, but one day my younger sister felt itchy from her seat belt and she took it off, and ans as we approached an itnersection the door had a glitch in it, and it flew open sending my sister outside. She was ok, she only had some bruises but it was so scary that the dream came true! I wish I had been more responsable. But its neat ^-^ I do believe that angels try to send us messages in our dreams ^-^

If i could be an angel I too would like to be a gaudrian and shelter those I love and care for under my wings ^-^
thats true....just be alert when you drean something like that. If you are alert, you might save a life.:E
Haha its so strange though, you can't tell the difference between dream and premonition. Scientists say that it has to do with the possitive ions in the air. Apparently too many possitive ions can have a negative effect on the human brain and it causes you to have haluciations. This unatural amount of possitive ions in the air can be produced from platonic rocks shifting under neatht yhe Earths crust. Therefore if you live in an area that experiences earthquakes you may be subject to halucinations. However not everyones brain is sensative to this, some of us are simply not effected. This is what they use to theorize about the existanc of ghosts, perhaps they are just halucinations. As for explaining how someone can see someone that is 'dead' they say the environment can obsorb your energy so when you die this image of yourself is left behind and if you are sensative to possitive ions your brain will be able to see this image neat huh ^-^? So is it possible angels can be halucinations? Angels have been talked about for so long that we could just be adding the wings or the holy glow ourselves subconciously. What do you think of these jumble of theories ^-^?

...and why do I know so many weird theories, lol
woah!!! I never thought about that...

but I herd from lots of people...that what ever you see is just hallucination....is it real?? if you cant smell it, taste, touch it???

Im lost @_@........
things are only real because your mind makes them real. the only proof that we exist is because we can ponder our existance
life is quite sad, I would say........:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Haha! Of coarse its not, its an amazing adventure!! I guess it depends what kind of aspect you have of life. Sure its hard to see the bad, but its wonderful to see the good ^-^ You just have to try and be optimistic thats all. Ilove trying to unravel lifes little mysteries (which is what makes it fun) its amusing and frustrating, but you learn a thing or two wheather you solve it or not.

byt he way F. Angel I really like what you just said and I think it has a strong point ^-^ However I think things ae slightly more scientific then that, evolution my friend. But what you said makes a lot of sense because life appears different to everyone in the way they interpret it ^-^