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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 11:43
Belldandy Gift


Do you think you have ever been saved by an angel ^-^ or perhaps a goddess or spirit of some kind. Or do you believe in stories where angels are supposedly there to protect you. For those who are unfamiliar here is a true story I read about and it was on tv (I can’t remember the real names, so I will make the names up):

One day a young girl named Amy, wanted to go to her fathers stable to feed the horses and take care of them. It was a clear day and nothing was amiss. She entered the stable carrying carrots for the horses and suddenly she herd a soft voice call out to her ‘Amy don’t get closer, turn away.’ Amy was startled and crept closer, the deeper into the stable she entered the louder the voice became. To afraid to keep going she turned and ran away. The next day she came back thinking it was all in her head. She went to feed the horses and just as she neared the back of the stable the voice came louder and more startling then before ‘Amy TURN AWAY!’ Amy bolted from the stables terrified rushing to her father. He called the police in case some old bum was hiding in his stables. As the police entered the stable, heading in the same direction as Amy had been, towards the back, they opened the door where the hay was stashed and inside was a wanted murder, gripping a weapon. He was arrested, and Amy was saved.

Does this make you believe or question the systems of heaven? Give your point of view on any aspect of the topic ^_^
woah!!! thats a cool story.....it really is!!!

I do believe in story like that....(Angels, fairies,Goddesses)
I dont think something like that has ever happened to me. Like us humans, we just have senses that something bad is going to happen because of the evil Aura the places are emitting.......

That story is quite cool and interesting.....
That is a very nice story.In a way I do beleive that someone or thing is watchn over us & protecting us.But I'm still not sure about that stuff.To me the people that saved my life (on 4 diff occasions)are angels & heroes to me.
Lets just say it was all done cuz of my stupidity ^^'.
what kind of ocassions?? do tell if you wish too.....
i am living proof that angels exist, there is no way that someone as bungling as me can get this far in life without some guardian angel watching over him! ^^' but my best guardian angels are my parents! ^^
yeah I guess so...thats true K-1!!!!...you do try hard too...thats why you got to where you are....
i've been saved...(wierdly enough, one of the people had the same name as my mom^^'and the other i don't know) i was gonna do something really stupid but then someone who saw me called the police and then a police lady came and stopped me. (i won't go into detail but those two people saved my life and i owe a lot to them)
Those are such lovely stories and comments from all of you ^-^ I know this might sound unbelievable nut I saw an angel once, which is why i brought up this topic. It happened about a year ago. My parents had hired a good friend of ours to drive me and my sisters from home to school, and school to home. He was with us for 3 months but he became sick and could not drive anymore. We felt so bad so we let him go and rest at home. A week later, he passed away from heart attack and my sisters and myself were devastated. That night I made rose tea and sat at the kitchen counter feeling depressed. I made a short prayer asking for God or some high being to send me a sign that he was safe and ok. I turned around and what I should have seen was a glass cabinet full of china, but what I saw was like looking into a different dimension for a second, I saw an angel. The light was so bright I couldn't see the angels face or wings for that matter. What we see as a halo, is really this bright light emitted by their bodies (or at least that’s what I thought) i could make out brown curly hair that came to the angels chest and what appeared as a white dress. It was breath taking, but just as quickly as the angel came to me, my angel was gone again. That’s what had me believing in them ^-^
woah!!! thats soo cool!!!...so you saw an angel huh?? wow nice experience...I never seen an angel though...

I think angels are your family............
Y'know kitori? The angel appeared at you because the person who passed away must have loved you very well...an I guess the angel appeared to you so that you will know that he(your driver) is okay and he wanna thank you...:)
Oh thank you Asgard that was so sweet to say, I almost started to cry =^-^= I really saw him as my uncle. I miss him, but I know he's happy and better ^-^ and he's not suffering anymore. I feel at peace often ecause sometimes I feel like I have a gaurdian angel right next to me. They say angels are silent creatures that long to reveal themselves, but I dont think thats true, they reveal themselves to us everyday ^-^ You know when you see a little spark from the corner of your eye, they say that is the sign that an angel is next to you.
wow, thats touching...
i believe they exist, i mean im over here in iraq and what better angels than my fallen brothers? i know for a fact that if i were to die, id volunteer for the job to bring back my living brothers to family arms and kisses, just as id want it to be for me and my family.
but someone mustve had to been looking out for me while i grew up, ive done alot of things thatd warrant bad things, but here i am, young and healthy, if a bit messed up...
I've had a few good turn of events. Sometimes I like to believe that I have a guardian angel because some of the coincidences seem too good to be true...On the other hand, there have been many times when her assistance was needed but I didn't recieve.

It's nice to dream and imagine of the unrealistic eh?
your borthers Cyber_Keiichi?? ....sniffles.... Im sorry...:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
your all so lucky ^-^ when I say lucky, I mean you have had so many good blessings. Angels work in mysterious ways. I have another story.

This happened a few years ago and is viewed as a beautiful miracle. What happened was there were two pilots , I’ll call them Jim and Donny (sorry I forget the original names). What happened was Jim was new to operating a helicopter, and his trainer Donny, was doing a test flight with him to see how well he could do. Unfortunately the engine blew out and they both plummeted into the city harbor. Donny managed to escape the helicopter but he was too weak to rescue his friend, so he quickly swam to shore. Rescue agents came immediately and began treating Donny. Donny was slipping in and out of consciousness. A dive team went down but found no other bodies, so they assumed Donny was the only one in the helicopter. After about an hour and a half he managed to wake up in the hospital and looked up at the doctor and asked, “Where’s Jim?” The doctor looked bewildered replying there was no one else from the wreckage. Donny became hysteric yelling he had a partner. In an effort to subdue Donny, they sent divers back to the wreckage to retrieve Jim’s body. They found Jim hidden in the cockpit because the seat had toppled over him. When they pulled him out of the water they were shocked to find out he still had a pulse! Jim had been submerged under water for 2 hours and he was still alive! The divers and paramedic crews treated him and he to this day is perfectly functional. Jim says that while he was under water he could see this glowing light that illuminated around him and a soft voice telling him he would be alright and that it was not his time to go yet. He felt comforted and at peace. Once again an angel reveals themselves for a moment ^_^