There are raws for eps 1-5 on the BitTirrent page here in widescreen, then nothing until ep 12. Season 2 is tricky cause the releases were so hodge podge to begin with. I recently found an intersting torent on Tokyo Tosho that has all of season 1 on mkv. With that, and the fact that the files are so huge, I believe they are layered so that they can be viewed with or without subtitles. They are most likely ripped from the DVD's though, so I would avoid them. Just found Season 2 eps 1-15 raw in fullscreen:
They are torrents and I don't know the strength of the earlier eps, but it is a start. Because seasons 1 and 2 are liscenced it is next to impossible to find direct downloads for AMG. Still looking for widescreen raws, but no luck :(. Sorry if my post seems random, I wrote it as I found things.