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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 16:09
Belldandy Gift

please help me find some material for a project of mine

Topics Misc please help me find some material for a project of mine
hello, i have recently started making amvs (anime music videos). I have dont 2 so far, and was really happy to hear that a number of people are going to nominate my first vid for a viewers choice award for best first amv. for my third i really wanted to do an AMG amv but i am having a really hard time finding proper material. could anyone please tell me where i could get ahold of either RAW or soft sub episodes of the second AMG season? subtitles really ruin an amv so i really want to get RAWs, the problem is that most of them are not around anymore, for example the bittorent section of this site no longer has the raws of the first half of the second season.

so if anyone could just give my a link to a site with a complete set of RAWs of the AMG second season i would be extreamly greatful. i would prefer direct download as it is quicker but bittorrent is fine if there are enough seeders. i'll be sure to post my amv here if i can get it finished as thanks.
There are raws for eps 1-5 on the BitTirrent page here in widescreen, then nothing until ep 12. Season 2 is tricky cause the releases were so hodge podge to begin with. I recently found an intersting torent on Tokyo Tosho that has all of season 1 on mkv. With that, and the fact that the files are so huge, I believe they are layered so that they can be viewed with or without subtitles. They are most likely ripped from the DVD's though, so I would avoid them. Just found Season 2 eps 1-15 raw in fullscreen:
They are torrents and I don't know the strength of the earlier eps, but it is a start. Because seasons 1 and 2 are liscenced it is next to impossible to find direct downloads for AMG. Still looking for widescreen raws, but no luck :(. Sorry if my post seems random, I wrote it as I found things.
thanks a bunch, there doesnt seem to be much traffic on those torrents but i'll keep them up and hopefully some more seeders will get on eventually. I really appreciate any help you can give

i was able to get eps 12-16 from this site but the rest dont have any seeders, if anyone could give me a heads up on any other sites out there that have RAW eps i would be very greatful
Veoh.com is your friend
i make amvs of amg on youtube under the same name i am on here i get almost all my videos from a site called animeupload.com they are good might want to try that one as well.