Well - here's what I have to say about it...
Love is something that last forever, if it really is love. That is one of the things that this show seems to address.
However, true love is something so rare in this universe we often call other things love. Such as "I love this icecream." or "I love my father."
The english language is greatly faulted in having only one word for love, and we over use it. When one says, "true love." it means that person is willing to give up everything about himself or herself to become one with the other.
Also - it is essential to note that because Belldandy is a goddess, it is important to note that her existance in our plane on the long term throws everything out of balance. Thusly - the universe is trying to pull them apart because of this.
So - for them to stay together. One of two things must eventually happen.
Either he must become a god, or she must become a mortal. The ultimate sacrifice, or the ultimate acsention.
However, I believe the creator of this show is out to prove that love can conquer all... so that would mean that Belldandy must leave behind her sisters and her family forever.
and of course, there is the chance that they will be seperated... but will still be with each other in their hearts. An annoying possibility that drives me right up the wall... but never underestimate a writer's folly at the end of a series.