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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 02:09
Belldandy Gift

Will belldandy and keiichi will be together forever?

Topics Ah! My Goddess Will belldandy and keiichi will be together forever?
QuoteOriginally posted by Lanz (view)
QuoteOriginally posted by kira1616 (view)
i am wondering that since Belldandy is a goddess which means she will not get old or die, but Keiichi will. So wat will happen?

>>>Even though K1 dies, there will be a way to make them live together...

K1 should realize that he will die one day and take this chance while he is alive to profess his love for Belldandy and give her a kiss!
I thought in the movie, Belldandy said she wanted to grow old and live with the people on earth. o.o?
Maybe i think im getting confused of things. Maybe Urd will think up of a potion or two and make Keiichi never grow old. =D

Or i could think of it one way.

Old Keiichi Dies >>> Goes to heaven
In Heaven >>> Old Keiichi turns into Normal Keiichi
Belldandy goes back to heaven >>> Meets up with Normal Keiichi again
YAY!!!!! but they are in heaven now..... and that violates the contract in one way. OH wells thats how i think i could go =D
Hmm that's a nice plot!! i like!! ^_^
If I'm not wrong, I think this Question is Answered on Vol. 21 Chapter 132 of the Manga, when Keiichi Asks Peorth if They will be toghether forever and She answers: "It Is Your Destiny To Be Toghether for The Rest Of Your Life... But Not Hers!" Peorth Also Says: "The People We Goddesses Love Live Forever In Our Hearts"

What do you think?:ugh:
That says it all i guess eh - K1 should be thankful for that she's gonna be there all his life!! All in All she's an immortal goddess whilst him is a human!! @_@
QuoteOriginally posted by raginxdragon (view)
I thought in the movie, Belldandy said she wanted to grow old and live with the people on earth. o.o?
Maybe i think im getting confused of things. Maybe Urd will think up of a potion or two and make Keiichi never grow old. =D

Or i could think of it one way.

Old Keiichi Dies >>> Goes to heaven
In Heaven >>> Old Keiichi turns into Normal Keiichi
Belldandy goes back to heaven >>> Meets up with Normal Keiichi again
YAY!!!!! but they are in heaven now..... and that violates the contract in one way. OH wells thats how i think i could go =D

Well depends....:sheep:
And if Keiichi doesn't go in Heaven, but he'll be immediately reincarneted in an animal?:=
QuoteOriginally posted by viet80 (view)
QuoteOriginally posted by raginxdragon (view)
I thought in the movie, Belldandy said she wanted to grow old and live with the people on earth. o.o?
Maybe i think im getting confused of things. Maybe Urd will think up of a potion or two and make Keiichi never grow old. =D

Or i could think of it one way.

Old Keiichi Dies >>> Goes to heaven
In Heaven >>> Old Keiichi turns into Normal Keiichi
Belldandy goes back to heaven >>> Meets up with Normal Keiichi again
YAY!!!!! but they are in heaven now..... and that violates the contract in one way. OH wells thats how i think i could go =D

Well depends....:sheep:
And if Keiichi doesn't go in Heaven, but he'll be immediately reincarneted in an animal?:=

an animal...... maybe a cat.........:inoc:
i thought about it
if k1 dies then that violets the contract maybe god will give him imortality :D
Belldandy should be come mortal, so they can grow old together, have kids and grandkids XD!and then die hapily
I love how everyone is split on this subject. I think it would be awesome if they could actually live together forever! ^^ But this question can only be answered by the creators themselves.
we surely are hehe!! ^_^

all in all though I think they should live their relationship by the day like it's their 1st and last together!!
I think it's up for debate wether they will stay together or not. Obviously Keiichi isn't immortal so one day he will most likely die unless Belldandy can pull off a miracle and convince God that Keiichi may live on in heaven together with Belldandy.

Then again, Belldandy will probably be as hot as ever by the time Keiichi becomes old and wrinkly, but I'm not going into that since it's not very pleasing.
Things almost seem like they are headed in the direction of K1 reaching some sort of immortal status... He's hosted an angel, Called Heaven 3 times, got an apology from God (via Phone call Season 2), and has gained the love and respect of several Goddesses.. K1 has come a long way from being the nervous dork who got rejected asking Sayoko out. I truly hope that this one has a 'Happily (fFor)Ever After' type ending. I'm really tired of sad to Semi Sad ending anime's.
yep true - he deserves it our K1 and he really 'grew up' by time, although he still gets a bit nervous around Bell!! What's amazing about him is that he accepts everyone as he is and makes them feel welcomed!! ^_^
Yeah he's a great guy...admirable.
Hope It'll be an Eternal Happy Ending...