Thanks Sumi! I'll go run and look.
Ummm, where to start? Making basic wallpapers isn't that hard. You can even do it using ms paint. I think. I tend to use psp7 (need to upgrade to 8 one of these days. lol).
Basically you find/make a pic you like and copy it.
Then open a new pic in paint, psp7, etc. (you can set teh size at this point)
Set up the backfround how you want it,
even as simple as flood filling the pic a single color, and ...
Paste your pic into the pic and save it.
Tah Dahhh!!! Wallpaper!
Common sizes are 800*600 1024*768 stuff like that.
Hmm, rambling too much the post is actually scrolling.
Ja Ne!