heh. ^_^ (slightly embarassed) Yeah, I collected a LOT of of Inoue-san's stuff over the year's. What can I say, I'm smitten. Most guys my age drooled over Madonna or Britney Spears,while here I am fawning over Kikuko Inoue. The coin Peng-san , was part of a limited edition CD/LD set called "FUNWARI NOBI NOBI" which included the coin and a big photo book as well as 2 cd's, and one LD. You know,I was looking through my collection of anime stuff and I'm embarassed to say, that I have enough stuff to open up a booth at an anime convention. I did'nt realize how big this collection of mine was and 7/8 of it is AMG merchandise. Yeah, Reiyuka-chan, her voice IS pretty, almost like silver bells ringing. I fell in love with her um __ voice, and to be honest, I still listen to her music more than I listen to any other music. My favorite song ever is from her, it's called "SOTSUGOYOU" or "GRADUATION". I never get tired of listening to it. ^_^