Well he has tried to kiss her on the lips, but something always gets in the wa, from Skuld to her sneezing, to his stomach growling, etc.
As I said, bell has been able to kiss K1 in the heat of the moment, when an emotional scene comes up, or when they have some outside influence like when they played the "life" game in the new years day chapter, but she's never actually kissed him casually, like he has tried to do, for K1 he isn't as emotional as Bell, only time we've really seen him show that great of emotion is when he hugged her at the end of the queen sayako arc. So their actions in the series are more due to their relative personalities, Bell who is more prone to emotional outburts has a tendency to hug or kiss him when she's really happy, K1 on the other hand being more reserved tends to try to overthink the situation and plan these elaborate schemes to get a kiss from her, and tends to make himself nervous, which is why his attempts usually fail, that and there are other factors like Skuld acting as obstacles.