Well he is persistent, which is why he still tries at all, but if you want to know where his apprehension comes from a few sources which work unconciously, including the fact that he has been foiled so many times, hence the pavlovian reflex, he still tries, but there is definetly some apprehension at being interrupted, he's even admitted that something always happens, in addition the fact that she is a bit oblivious to his actions is a bit discouraging, in addition he has a desire not to push Bell into something she isn't willing or able to do, on some level he knows she isn't ready (as she stated in the 4th goddess arc) and is waiting for her to give him a signal(this was proven in Miss Keiichi and in the goddess test arcs), in addition there is the concern about the contract itself, he doesn't know what the terms of the contract entail, and what might happen if she has to leave because he oversteps his bounds and he's also concerned about Bell and how she will take it if something happens to him, we've seen how protective she is of him and there is a concern that she wouldn't respond to him dying very well, so a part of him is concerned about getting too close and making a potential seperation even more painful.