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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 20:33
Belldandy Gift

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If you're going to watch Nanoha StrikerS, be sure to watch -

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha (season 1)
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's (season 2)

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS (is season 3)
Haha...looks like i'll need a new harddisk.
Don't forget 5cm too.
I found this site that has many anime videos.


The site doesn't have all the anime and all the episodes of every anime they listed, but they do have episodes that "Youtube" removes... Like the new animes.

The videos are all subs, no raws.
The videos are in low quality, but you don't have to download it onto your computer.
fate stay night was really good, sad at times though (which series isnt)
death note is good, cant compare to anyhting off hand but iv been keeping up on the new eps and after each one i want next to come out now not in week
any series from the dot hack group, all are really good and i think as each series comes out it bets better.
shuffle is a really cute series and while i was watching it i always talked about it with my sister, shuffle this shuffle that. she got anoyred i think>>
tsubasa chronicles was a very cute series, plot was good and ppl were cute^^
castle in the sky..... well if you watch anime you should watch this one and every other movie by Hayao Miyazaki
Cromartie High School. while watching this series and after i finished it the only thing i was thinking was WTF!!!. it was a good series and really funny/ pointless.
gantz. awsome series, probably one of my fav series too. idea was great and action was good too. poor dog.....
air. best romance kinda series iv seen. wont say much just its all sad. maade me cry... waaaaa
macross. any of the macross shows are good. zero i think was best. love the cg, good fighting/ action series
tenchi. all are good, some better then others. i say get them all lol
bleach. starting to become a dbz but more action, less standing and shit. i keep getting it as the eps come oot
cowboy bebop. was good, long time since i saw it but remember it was really good. smart dog.....
el hazard. good series, any of then. like tenchi with many diff series
crest of the stars. really good, end was sad and middle was all good ^^
and i guess i should say amg. it was a good ova and movie, havent watched series yet.
what i names here are a few random ones in my list. all good and ppl should eventually watch them, even if just 1 ep
Great website Choas, thanks!
Xenosaga is a new series out in Japan.Seen parts of it on youtube.More robots...sighs.