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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 19:17
Belldandy Gift

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Does anyone know of any new anime series that are pretty good? Or rather which anime are you watching or reading now? I'm looking for some opinions.
Death Note is amazing
***~=( Edited on April 6, 2007 )=~***

Here's a list of anime that I've seen and / or watching and / or DL'ing from torrent -- with my rating -- 1 as lowest, 10 as highest, 0 as not finish watching, undecided and / or DL'ing.
** as tiny comments.

One-Piece - 0 -
**not finish watching
Kimi ga Nozomu Eien - 4 -
** pretty dramatic
Ragnarok the Animation - 5 -
** anime follows the game's rules
DearS - 6 -
** funny, anime is like Chobits
Angel Tales
~~Tenshi no Shippo - 5 -
** childish but still pretty good
~~Tenshi no Shippo Chu - 6 -
** better than the first season, more plot
Dragon Drive - 6 -
** good with dragon fighting actions
Shingetsutan Tsukihime - 7 -
** kinda sad
Chrno Crusade - 7 -
** good anime, but sad at the end
~~Maho Sensei Negima - 6
** pretty good, more fan service
~~ Negima?! - 7 -
** more magic and action
~~Haru - 6 -
** Negi and Asuna’s feeling
~~Natsu - 6 -
** girl's feelings toward Negi
Chobits - 6 -
** good anime with some romance
Angelic Layer - 6 -
** good action fighting dolls
Busou Renkin - 8 -
** nice fighting, got good plot
Midori no Hibi - 7 -
** cute anime
Shakugan no Shana
Shakugan no Shana - 7 -
** good, funny with a bit of romance in it
Shakugan no Shana Tokubetsuhen - 6 -
** OVA of field trip
Movie - 0 -
** not out yet
Bleach - 9 -
** very good anime with lots of action
Tsubasa Chronicle - 9 -
** very good plot line
Love Hina - 8 -
** funny with good romance
~~Shuffle! - 9 -
** good plot line
~~Shuffle Memories - 8 -
** pretty good, but 2nd parts isn't as good
Ah My Goddess - 10 -
** my best of course :P
~~Kanon 2002 - 6 -
** pretty good, kinda sad in some episodes
~~Kanon 2006 - 8 -
** remake of the 2002, better graphic and color.
Fullmetal Alchemist
~~Full metal Alchemist - 8 -
~~Conqueror of Shamballa - 7 -
Mai Hime - 8 -
Mai Otome - 8 -
** pretty good, same char as Mai Hime with different personality and settings
Matantei Loki Ragnarok - 6 -
** kinda weird, but follow good norse mythology
Zero no Tsukaima - 8 -
** funny, kinda sad for the main human male char
Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru - 7 -
** very funny, kinda lesbianish tho... lol
Final Approach - 7 -
** short 12 min episodes but good
Rozen Maiden - 7 -
** weird but very funny dolls
Soul Link - 7 -
** DL'ing from torrent
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne - 7 -
** kinda good
~~Slayers - 0 -
~~Slayers Next - 0 -
~~Slayers Try - 0 -
~~Slayers Special - 0 -
~~Slayers Excellent - 0 -
~~Slayers Movie: Slayers The Motion Picture - 0 -
~~Slayers Movie 2: Slayers Return - 0 -
~~Slayers Movie 3: Slayers Great - 0 -
~~Slayers Movie 4: Slayers Gorgeous - 0 -
~~Slayers Movie 5: Slayers Premium - 0 -
Real Bout High School - 3 -
** manga is way better
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzuki - 7 -
** good, hard to understand if you don't got good thinking skills
Princess Princess - 7 -
** really funny
Crescent Love - 8 -
** pretty good, nice romantic story
Inukami -
~ Inukami - 6 -
~ Movie - 0 -
Ouran High School Host Club - 7 -
** extremely funny
Mahou Sjoujo Lyrical Nanoha -
~ Mahou Shoujo - 7 -
** kinda made for little kids, but it is still very good
~ Mahou Shoujo A's - 8 -
** a bit better than season 1, more weapon changing
~ Mahou Shoujo StrikerS - 0 -
** not out yet, but it will be good
FLCL - 0 -
Strawberry Panic - 0 -
Ikki tousen - 0 -
Maburaho - 8 -
Triangle Heart - 5 -
Yumeria - 0 -
Sister Princess - 0 -
Karin - 0 -
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - 0 -
Onegai Twins - 0 -
Cowboy Bebop -
~ Cowboy Bebop - 0 -
~ Movie - 0 -
Magikano - 6 -
Hanaukyo Maid -
~ Hanaukyo Maid Tai - 5 -
** fan service
~ Hanaukyo Maid Tai La Verite - 7 -
** plot
Mamoru kun ni Megami no Shukufuku wo - 7 -
Pita-Ten - 7 -
Chocotto Sister - 7 -
Da Capo -
~ Da Capo - 6 -
~ Da Capo Season 2 - 7 -
UFO Princess Valkyrie -
~ UFO Warukyre - 8 -
~ UFO Season 2 - 7 -
~ UFO Walkure - 7 -
~ UFO Special - 8 -
DN angel - 8 -
Erementar Gerad - 8 -
Excel Saga -
~ Excel Saga - 9 -
~ Puni Puni Poemi - 7 -
Di Gi Charat -
~ Original - 6 -
~ Summer Special - 6 -
~ Christmas Special - 7 -
~ Gekijouban movie - 6 -
~ Hanami - 7 -
~ Panyo Panyo - 8 -
~ Piyoku - 0 -
~ Nyo - 0 -
~ Winter Garden - 9 -
He is my master - 6 -
Kannaduki no Miko - 6 -
Kyoushirou to Towa no Sora - 7 -
Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge - 7 -
Fate/ Stay Night - 8 -
Girls Brave -
~ Season 1 - 6 -
~ Season 2 - 7 -
Utawarerumono - 0 -
D. Gray-man - 0 -
Tales of Phantasia - 7 -
REC - 6 -
Kamisama Kazoku - 4 -
Star Ocean EX - 7 -
Trigun -
~ Trigun - 7 -
~ Trigun X movie - 0 -
Ueki no Housoku - 8 -
Green Green - 5 -
Hayate no Gotoku - 0 -
Sato no Hanayome - 0 -
Heroic Age - 0 -
I My Me Strawberry Egg - 6 -
Himawari -
~ Himawari! - 5 -
~ Himawari!! - 0 -
The Ugly Yet Beautiful World - 0 -
Aria -
~ Aria the Animation - 0 -
~ Aria the Natural - 0 -
~ Aria the OVA - 0 -
Idolmaster Xenoglossia - 0 -
El-Cazador de la bruja - 0 -
Touka Gettan - 0 -
Saiyuki -
~ Saiyuki TV - 0 -
~ Saiyuki Requiem - 0 -
~ Kibou no Zaika - 0 -
~ Reload - 0 -
~ Gunlock - 0 -
~ Reload Burial - 0 -
Izumo: Takeki Tsurugi no Senki - 0 -
Gist ~ Eternal Rainbow ~ - 0 -
Kagihime Mongatari Eternal Alice Rondo - 0 -
Ichigo 100% - 0 -
Asagirl no Miko - 0 -
Koi Koi Seven - 6 -
Happiness - 6 -
Psychic Academy - 3 -
Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan -
~ Season 1 - 3 -
~ Season 2 - 0 -

(I will update this list as I watch more anime)
all what iv seen..... no ratings though

ah my goddess the movie (english, japenese) (burnt)
ah my goddess the 5 episodes(english, japenese)
adventures of nini godesses (japenese, english subtitles)
steel angel kurumai ep1-28 (japenese, english subtitles)
crest of the stars ep1-13 (japenese, english subtitles) good*****
dn angel ep 1-26 (japenese, english subtitles)
escaflowne ep1-26 (japenese,english) (burnt)
escaflowne movie (english, japanese) (burnt)
full moon sagashite (japanese, english subtitles)
neon geneses evangelion: (all downloaded)
-death and rebirth (japanese, english subtitles)
- end of evangelion (japanese, english subtitles)
- ep 1-26 (japanese, english subtitles)
ninja scroll (english , japenese) (burnt)
el hazard the wanderers ep 1-26 (japenese, english subtitles) (burnt)
dragon ball z movie 1 (english japanese)
dragon ball z movie 2 the world's strongest (english japanese)
dragon ball z movie 3 the tree of might (english japanese)
dragon ball z movie 4 lord slug (english japanese)
dragon ball z movie 5 coolers revenge (english japanese)
dragon ball z movie 6 the returne of cooler(english japanese)
dragon ball z movie 7 super androide 13 (english japanese)
dragon ball z movie 8 broly the legendary super saiyan (japanese, english)
dragon ball z movie 9 bojack unbound (english, japanese)
dragon ball z movie 10 browly second comming (english, japanese)
dragon ball z movie movie special 1 bardoc the father of goku (english, japanese)
berserck ep 1-26 (english, japanese)
voices of a distant star (english, japanese) (burnt)
kenshin ep1-95 (english, japanese) (burnt) good********
kenshin movie (japanese, engish subtitles) (burnt)
cowboy bebop ep1-25 (english, japanese)
cowboy bebop movie (english, japanese)
trigun (english, japanese) (burnt)
ghost in the shell stang alone complex (japanese, english subtitles)
chobits ep1-24 (english, japanese)
full metal alchamist ep1-51 (japanese, english subtitled)
naruto ep1-135 (japanese, english subtitles)
akira movie (english, japanese)
dears (english, japanese) (burnt)
M.D. geist movie 1 (english, japanese) was ok
m.D. geist movie 2 (english, japanese) was ok
gunslinger girls ep 1-13 (japanese, english subtitles)
kiddy grade ep1p-24 (japanese, english subtitles) was ok
golgo13 the professional the movie (english) was ok
outlaw star ep1-26 (english, japanese)
nadia the movie (japanese, english subtitles)
naruto the movie (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
Ikkitousen (english, japanese) (burnt)
Sol_Bianca_the_Legacy (english, japanese) (burnt)
slayers tv ep 1-26 (english, japanese) (burnt)
slayers next ep 27-52 (english, japanese) (burnt)
Slayers Try ep 53-78 (english, japanese) (burnt)
fist of the north star movie, (english subtitles, japanese)
Record of Lodoss War TV ep1-27 (english, japanese) (burnt)
canidate for goddess (english, japanese) (burnt)
Macross Zero OVA (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
macross 7 dynamite (japanese, english subtitles) good******
macross 2 movie (english, japanese) (burnt)
macross plus ova (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
Samurai Champloo (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
bleach (japanese, english subtitles) good and watching ^^
full metal panic (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
chrno crusade (english, japanese) (burnt)
air ep1-13 (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt) very good..... waaaaaaaa
air movie (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
last exile (english, japanese) (burnt) good*****
Shaman_King (japanese, english subtitles)
earth girl arjuna (english, japanese) (burnt) good and edumacational
samurai7 (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
elfen lied (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
he is my master ep1-12 (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
steamboy moive (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
Theatrical Feature AIR DVD (think it is the movie) (japanese, english subtitles)
Grenadier 1 - 12 (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
record of lodoss war ova (english, japanese) (burnt)
kiki's delivery service (english, japanese) (burnt)
tenchi daughter-of-darkness the movie(english, japanese) (burnt)
tenchi forever the movie (english, japanese) (burnt)
tenchi muyo in love the movie (english, japanese) (burnt)
Tenchi Muyo Pretty Sammy OVAs (english, japanese) (burnt)
Tenchi Muyo Ova (english, japanese) (burnt)
Tenchi Mihoshi Special OVA (english, japanese)
Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki 3 OVA (english, japanese) (burnt)
Tenchi Universe (english, japanese) (burnt)
Tenchi in Tokyo (japanese, english subtitles) (english, japanese)
tenchi gpx (english, japanese) (burnt)
Victorian Romance Emma (japanese, english subtitles)
FFVII Advent Children (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
hellsing (english, japanese) (burnt)
Genshiken (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
blue submarine (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
blue submarine 707 (english, japanese) (burnt)
vandread (english, japanese) (burnt)
stratos 4 (english, japanese) (burnt)
Rune Soldier (english, japanese) (burnt)
animatrix (english, japanese) (burnt)
Azumanga Daioh (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt) roffle*****
Wings of Honneamise (english, japanese) (burnt)
Saiyuki reloaded (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
angel tails (english, japanese) (burnt)
gundam seed (english, japanese) (burnt)
ranma ova (english, japanese) (burnt)
Towards the Terra (japanese, english subtitles)
gundam seed destiny (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
ceres (english, japanese) (burnt)
star ocean (english, japanese) (burnt)
kaleido star (english, japanese) (burnt)
samurai deeper kyo (english, japanese) (burnt)
Spirit of Wonder Scientific Boys Club (english, japanese) (burnt)
Nadia The Secret of Blue Water (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
yukikaze (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
gatekeepers (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
Spirit of Wonder - Miss Chinas Ring (english, japanese) (burnt)
gantz (english, japanese) (burnt) very good*********8
madlax (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
starship operators (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
place promised in our early days (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
full metal panic fumoffu (english, japanese) (burnt)
final fantasy unlimited (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
princess mononoke (english, japanese) (burnt)
green green (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
xenosaga (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
perfect blue (english, japanese) (burnt)
my neighbor totoro (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
the cat returns (english, japanese) (burnt)
grave of the fireflies (anime, live action) (english, japanese) (japanese, english subtitles)
flame of recca (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
zone of the enders (japanese, enhglish subtitles) (burnt)
daphne in the brilliant blue (english, japanese) (burnt)
3x3 (english, japanese) (burnt)
Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
Dual! Parellel Trouble Adventure (english, japanese) (burnt)
Cromartie High School (english, japanese) (burnt)
Eureka seveN (japanese, english subtitles) (burning) very good****8
karas ? (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
flcl (english, japanese) (wtf) (burnt)
Kurogane Communication (english, japanese) (burnt)
mia otome (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
cosplay complex (english, japanese) (burnt)
my hime (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
dot hack twilight (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
tsubasa chronicles (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt) good. want more:@
final fantasy, spirit within (english, japanese) (burnt)
gundam wing (english, japanese) (kinda burnt)
get backers (english, japanese) (burnt)
dot hack sign (english, japanese) (burnt)
Doubutsu Takarajima (english, japanese) (burnt)
gun x sword (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
Jubei Chan The Ninja Girl (english, japanese)
blood 1-50 (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
fate stay night (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
zipang (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
Kannaduki no Miko (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
tsubasa chronicles (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
Onmyou Taisenki (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
castle in the sky (english, japanese) (burnt)
ergo proxy (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt) very good*****
inncoent venus (japanese, english subtitles)
noein (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
Fullmetal Alchemist Conqueror of Shambala (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
mushishi (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt)
Kazemakase Tsukikage Ran (japanese, enghlish subtitles)
the third (japanese, english subtitles) (burnt) good*****
the twleve kingdomes (japanese, enghlish subtitles) (burnt)
Utawarerumono (japanese, english subtitles) very cute ^^
night head (japanese, englush subtitles) (burnt)
death note (japoanese, english subtitles)
shuffle (japanese, english subtitles) very good****
blood the last vampire (english)
some are new and some i included cuz i really like them

i def recommend:

-Blood +
-Full Metal Panic TSR (if you've seen the first two season which are also amazing)
-Scrapped Princess (one of the best action/adventure i've ever seen)
-Ouran High School Host Club (i have never laughed so hard and so often)
-the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
-Elemental Gelade
-Girls Bravo (this show is hilarious)
-Saiunkoku Monogatari (i've only watched about 10 episodes but i love it so far)
-Mamoru-kun ni Megami no Shukufuku wo!
-Elfen Lied (super bloody and very dark but i really enjoyed it)
Talk about a lot of anime :sheep:
Thanks for the suggestions!
Shall i post my anime list?:=
Who want compete with me?:laugh:
"looks at all the big lists" 0.o

Ive just watched Haibane Renmei saw it on the front cover of a DVD magazine so i thought i would see what its like and i found it to be quite good ..... a bit short tho =/

also i would recommend serial experiments lain it was made a few years ago and i thought it was quite good ...... aint got round to buying the DVDs tho ¬_¬
I recommend:
Fate stay night & Death note^_^
I just began watching Death Note at first glance I didn't expect much....but it has really got me hooked!! It is really well done. Whoever made that anime must be very intelligent.
When you have free time try Fate stay night and Death note Live Action.
Very cool!
nes is the King of anime watching ^^.
Nes? I don't remenber what is
Here's a list of anime that is currently Airing and that I think is good to watch.
~ Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS
~ Naruto Shippuden
~ Bleach
~ Hayate the Combat Butler (Hayate no Gotoku)
~ Heroic Age
~ Nagasarete Airantou
~ Idolmaster Xenoglossia
~ Kono Aozora Ni Yakusoku Wo
~ Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica
~ Seto no Hanayome
~ Kamichama Karin
~ El-Cazador de la Bruja
~ Touka Gettan

You can find some RAWs and SUBs on Youtube, but it is being removed very fast.
Best way to watch these anime is to download it onto your computer.

I also updated my list of anime that I am watching that's on page 1.
Nanoha looked cool...