I liked the couple of Hitomi and Van (the guy with the multiple red shirts) However Urd the ending you saw was the series finale, sadly Escaflowne was not popular enough for the to continue making it as a series. In fact the creator tried so many times to make it a hit. There was one version where Hitomi goes from pain jane to a pumped up typical blond bimbo when she powersa up with the crystal and they all can fit in the Escaflowne vessel and fight bad guys (typical), another version is when Hitomi is an elf or failr and helps Van. However non where hits accept in America and Canada. However when the movie came out, it was a global hit because it was one of the first to have so many special affects and intricate art. I wish they were able to continue the series, I miss Merl and Hitomi's fights ^-^